Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It was my last day at the office today. Yeah ! The countdown is on now. :) In 10 days I will take the plane to Edmonton.
In the meantime I will enjoy my days off, have a lession with Birgit on Easter Monday, a few other appointements, lunch with my friend Patty and finally get my suitcases ready. With other words: REAL life starts again ;D CANADA, watch out here I come soon !

Sunday, March 21, 2010

it's getting closer and closer

In the meantime I got my work permit, my plane tickets, quit my job at the office and bought western shirts and cowboy boots. All I need are jeans for riding and a cowboy hat. I decided to buy them in Canada.
So, I still have to work 8 days at the office. I can't wait til it's my last day of work ! Then, I can enjoy a few days off. Geronimo and I will have a lession with Birgit on Easter Monday. I look forward to it. It will be awesome ! ;)