Monday, June 29, 2009

moving cows

I went to the cattle drive yesterday. I rode Sunny, Kris' horse. Reg picked me up and we went together to the pasture where the round up was. He rode a young horse which never was on a cattle drive... Sunny also never was on a cattle drive before. He is a small happy horse, a Fjord mix. We had a good time together even I always had to drive him forward. All he wanted to do was eat and enjoy the view. :) I really like him. We were at the rear and only had the chance to herd some cows on the highway... I was fine with that. Reg and I rode back in the ditch along the highway to Ray's farm. It was a nice ride and we had a lot to talk about. I really enjoyed it.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

maybe a cattle drive... ?

Today was my day off. I took the chance and slept in. I really needed it. Around noon we went for a trail ride. It was my first one on Cody. He was a good boy ! My first trail ride here in Canada without rearing ! I was pretty nervous at the beginning... but after awhile I could relax. So tomorrow is the big day : the cattle drive. I don't know if I will go yet. I won't ride one of Birgit's horses if I go I'll get one from Reg. I will ride with him then. Reg will tell me if he goes tomorrow morning.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Great news !!!

We went to the Chris Irwin clinic in Whitecourt last weekend. It was amazing. We had to drive for 5 hours and finally we arrived at the Riversong Ranch in Whitecourt. After a cool night in the horse trailer the clinic started. First we had some theory about riding. The most stuff I already heard from Birgit before and of course from the dvds. Everything was so exciting and I was so nervous. I learned a lot only from watching. In the afternoon it was my turn to ride. I had Cody with me. The ride was crappy I wasn't satisfied afterwards. But for some reasons Chris didn't correct me all the time.... so I assumed it must be not so crappy like I thought !
The second day I was quieter and we did a GREAT job in lunging and riding. Cody helped me so much even he blew throu the shoulder a few times and counterbent... I had so much fun and in the end I could ride him in true bend and he also stretched down. Thanks Cody, you are great ! And at the end of the day Chris told me I got the Bronze Certification in ground work !!! OH MY GOD ! I was surprised and speechless ! I am the first Chris Irwin Bronze certified trainer in Switzerland !!! It wasn't enough for the riding part. I need to improve my hands and arms first.... So I will work hard again to correct this bad habit ! And then in September I will go to a second clinic and hopefully get my Bronze in riding too. :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

preparation for the clinic...

I am so excited, tomorrow we will hit the road and heading for Whitecourt to the Chris Irwin clinic. We got all the tack ready today, cleaned everything and also the horses. All of them will wear a fancy halter :) We have to get up early to make sure everything is in the trailer and we also have to clean the truck. Departure will be at 9 am. I sure as hell will be pretty nervous when we have to ride in the arena on Saturday. I really hope I don't make so much mistakes ! It's pretty importent for me to do a good job !

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

a changed world...

I had a good ride on Machlon today. He's a 21 years old arabian horse. I had to ride him in a correct frame. I already tried it yesterday which went good. Today, it was great. I was soooo happy. After the hard work this is the reward :)
Bandit had the session with the chiroprator yesterday. He had several problems. A rip was out, almost all of the lumbar vertebrae weren't alignend anymore and the pelvis was dropped down. Holy...! That hurts pretty much ! Birgit rode him today and he was a totally different horse. No popping up of the head during saddling... soft in the bridle, searches the "down"under the saddle... AMAZING ! I really hope we could break the circle of pain and fear now. It would be great for Bandit. His eyes are changed now, not fearfull anymore, just quiete. I am so happy for him. We'll see what happens next... I will try to help him with acupressure to let the energy flow in the right direction.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

a hell of a weekend...

The last weekend was the clinic with Trish Hyett. I rode Bandit all three days. The first day was pretty good. We worked on my blocks. Then it got pretty crazy when I had to ride Bandit in a frame. He started to rear up ! I was scared to hell !! On the last day I rode first Cody to get a feeling of riding a horse in a frame. Then I jumped on Bandit and tried it with him. He acted like crazy again. Three times I caught him before he could rear and three times he reared up. I was pretty shaky. We were lucky not to flip over.

I checked Bandit's back and found some sore spots on the spines. They look like small bumps sticking out of the spinal column. My first thought was kissing spines. So I told that Birgit. All the symptons Bandit shows are typical for kissing spines (doesn't like to be saddled /groomed, rear up, ...). The chiropractor will come on Sunday and has a look at Bandit. I am curious what she thinks about Bandit's back.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

foal news

Baby is pretty independent and gets more curious everyday. He already chews straw or hay and drinks water. Cutie loves his races around the corral. He also figured out how good it feels when somebody scratches his bum. Blue is more quiet now when the little man is in the stall and she's outside. Looks like she figured out he can't go far away.