Tuesday, June 16, 2009

a changed world...

I had a good ride on Machlon today. He's a 21 years old arabian horse. I had to ride him in a correct frame. I already tried it yesterday which went good. Today, it was great. I was soooo happy. After the hard work this is the reward :)
Bandit had the session with the chiroprator yesterday. He had several problems. A rip was out, almost all of the lumbar vertebrae weren't alignend anymore and the pelvis was dropped down. Holy...! That hurts pretty much ! Birgit rode him today and he was a totally different horse. No popping up of the head during saddling... soft in the bridle, searches the "down"under the saddle... AMAZING ! I really hope we could break the circle of pain and fear now. It would be great for Bandit. His eyes are changed now, not fearfull anymore, just quiete. I am so happy for him. We'll see what happens next... I will try to help him with acupressure to let the energy flow in the right direction.

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