Friday, October 21, 2011


I am on the road again, helping haul cattle for customers. We went yesterday and the day before. Yesterday we hauled for three different owners from the Buck Mountain Grazing reserve back to the their places. It was the last day to haul the cows and calves out of the reserve and so there were lots of trailer. I was watching when they try to load the cows and calves in the liners (trailers with two floors). The one group of calves was cute, they went in the trailer without any problems... only to come out after a few minutes again :D I had to smile when I saw that ! Most of the cows and calves came back out as fast as they could when no one was there to keep them in the trailer or piled up in front of the door. :) These liners are narrow and the cows have to go up a ramp to get in the top floor. Almost every time when a group of cows or calves went on it sounded like the group was falling down...  I really like our trailer, it's wide, open and not slippery.

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