Friday, July 31, 2009

good teacher

My day started like the days before at 4.45 am with feeding Fire, Bluey and Twister. Then get all the stuff for Fire from the tack shed and get him ready for riding. He is always so pissed when I groom him while he eats his breakfast :D The next one was Mojo. She was nice and quiet while I got her ready. As soon as I wanted to lunge her in the outdoor arena she started to play her little game.... She reared up pretty good and tried to impress me ! WOW, I am scared now !!! If she wants to scare me she has to try something else then that. Bandit could scare me with that but now I just got after her for that, without emotions ! Just crack the whip, push her forward and stand behind her girth... She clued in pretty fast this didn't work on the left side.... but on the right side. This is her "trained" side and she is pretty fast ! Holy... ! But I learned with a little help from Birgit how to prevent that ! :) After this lunging session I was pretty tired ! Hard work and not even a piece of breakfast in the belly.
My next teacher was Machlon. I try since a longer time to get him in a frame which never seemed to happen... til today ! Hell, I worked so hard on this horse today ! I was sooooo tired afterwards again. Now I know how I can get him in a frame. I only need some practice in this case and of course muscles.

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