Sunday, August 30, 2009

long trail ride

We went for a trail ride to the Dunster Store yesterday. It was my day off and I had to send a postcard. I rode Cody. He was in a bad mood when I saddled him but then he really enjoyed it not to be in the arena... I enjoyed the ride as well. Twice I almost fell off the horse. We jumped two ditches and I wasn't prepared enough for Cody's huge jump over a diny creek. And the saddle I had is not the best for things like that. It was so funny on the way home Cody was so impatient :D He had enough and only wanted to go home. It was way too much work for him to be almost 3 hours on the trail :D Cody can be sooo funny ! As soon as we were home again, after we cleaned all the tack I got ready to go to town with Birgit. On our way home from McBride the guy in front of us on the street couldn't drive straight ! Scary ! Birgit called the police and we followed him when he turned to Hidden Lake Road. Finally, we went home and the next thing was to get ready to go to Reg's place for a visit.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

fantastic ride on a fantastic horse

The day started like the ones before yesterday. Feeding, cleaning and then after breakfast get Karma ready for work. I have to do some In hand-leading first so she can benefit a lot while she is here. As soon as Birgit took her to the round pen I got B ready for In hand leading and round pen work. In the meantime it was noon already and I had to eat lunch to be ready when the first student came at 1.30 pm. When Bandit was ready and good to go the next student already showed up and I had to get Cody with her. I had the order to get Fire ready for me after the last lesson. Usually, I am nervous when I ride a horse the first time. Not this time ! I also didn't bother to wear my safety vest. I saw what he can do, rear up... But for some reason I knew he will be good :) He is a good boy ! And he looks so cute but he is still a stallion and loves to compete. He loves the speed and the work. I could feel that yesterday. As soon as I asked him for the 'Whoa'-stops he was not bored anymore and asked for more. I had sooo much fun to ride him. Now I know why Birgit loves to ride this horse. He is not one of this hot heads without using the brain... :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

another accident

It was just another day of work. It should be a real busy day.... After I was done with feeding and cleaning in the morning I had to lunge Alberta. I got her ready and was on my way to the arena when she suddenly spooked 'cause of something in the bush. Alberta jumped right on my foot and got me on my ankle/heel. I saw some stars !!!! I barely could walk to the arena. But I had a job to do, so I did it. Just until Birgit came to the arena and told me I had to run to keep up with Alberta during lope. NICE ! I told her I can't. So she took over and I got the job to get Fire ready for riding. My foot felt like it burns. And still it's burning and feels hot and thick.... I guess I will not be able to ride this week !

a huge bike ride !

Mayo and I went by bike to the Beaver Falls yesterday. One way was 2 1/2 hours. It was nice weather and not too hot. At the dry beaver pond we saw a Bald Eagle. All began when the chain of my bike went out. Then we had to go throu the 'mud whole'. This is the same part we chased the cows throu on the cattle drive. I was lucky to find a bear track in the mud... After this 'nice' part we came to the highway and from here it wasn't so far anymore to our aim. The beaver falls are unbelievable nice. Not so big but nice. Mayo and I wanted to see the salmons but there were no fish around ! Maybe too much water and too fast running. 'Cause the view was soo nice I missed a whole in the ground and my bike bucked me off ! My left knee was the unlucky part of my body who hit the ground first. It's bruised, hurt and the skin is a bit gone. Anyway, we made it home and it took us just 2 hours to get home even my knee hurt like crazy.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

horse whispering demo

Today was the big day : the first horse whispering demo for tourists. It was a group of 9 persons. And there also were a few from Birgit's neighbours. First, we went to the field to meet the horses and show them the bear claws on the one tree. The next point on the list was the round pen session with Mojo. She was a good girl. Then everyone was hungry and we headed for the BBQ. I made a pasta salad and a green salad, we also served chips and baked potatoes, steaks and saugages. It was sooo tasty. After the meal the group wished to watched a bit more "action" which means work with a horse which does some 'bad stuff' like throw the hip in, turn in butt first,... So Birgit did another demo with Carma, the new training horse. She did some of the bad stuff but clued in pretty quick that it's easier for her to be good. The group still wasn't quiet satisfied and wanted watch Birgit ride Machlon. The sessions with Carma and Machlon weren't on the schedule ! So we ate the dessert pretty late. Everyone like the cakes ( thanks !!!) Then finally around 5.30 pm the group decided to leave. Our job were now to clean up, put all the left overs away and do chorse. It was a long and exhausting day. But it was fun and really would like to repeat it....

Friday, August 21, 2009

day off...

It was my day off today. I did not much... sleep in, watch two round pen sessions with the new girls (horses), bake cookies, read and have a nap. From time to time I need this lazy days. So I just can hang around and get new energy. 'Cause tomorrow will be another busy day for me.

famous ?

The three of us went to the movie set at Terracana yesterday. I rode Cody. He was in paradise. High grass to eat between the filmings, stand around, walk throu the Fraser and enjoy the cool water in the face on a hot day. Cody hold his head down while he walked in the river. :) Then the final scene was a lope uphill. I never loped Cody outside of an arena before ! I wasn't worried just careful. But he had fun I guess the first time. The second time was too much work then and he was glad when he could trott and then walk again.... ;) As soon as he saw Machlon change to trott he changed too. Lazy horse ! :D The whole thing was fun and I really enjoyed this trail ride. The view at Terracana is beautiful especially the river. I love to ride in the bush. Bandit was funny everytime when he saw a camera he looked right into the lense :) he is a real movie star !

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

time flies

It's already mid August ! I can't believe it.... So many things happend, good and bad stuff... ! We are busy all day... Tomorrow should come two training horses, then on Thursday we will act in a publicity for Terracana Ranch, on the weekend is the horse whispering demo with BBQ. I totally envy Reg who is on a 4 days ride in the mountains !!! He went to the place where the horses were last winter which had to be rescued. I really want to see the place where the horses were ! Maybe I can talk Reg into taking me up there.... ;) According to Birgit it should be possible to go there in two days.

Monday, August 10, 2009

the day after...

We enjoyed a quiete day after a busy weekend. Majo had the day off and I did some easy work in the kitchen, apple crisp, cookies and jam. The cookies taste good but don't look good ! Oh well, as long as they are tasty ;D They should be S'mores cookies. The jam worked out pretty good, it's the first time I made jam. I am so proud of myself :D My next project will be making jelly.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

last day of kids camp

It was the last day of the kids camp. We all are glad no one of the kids got hurt (well.. I got kicked by Cody and Machlon stood on my foot). And everybody had fun during the three days. All of us are pretty tired and ready for bed.

I took some pic's of Twister today. He sure gets light coloured all over his body. Cutie looks like a real Appaloosa ;D

Friday, August 7, 2009

kids camp, day one

Today was the first day of the second kids camp here at the farm. This time we have 8 kids. It's kinda more busy now... and it takes a lot of energy to be aware the whole day. Make sure no one get run over from a horse, get kicked or get a step on the foot... And sometimes more then one kid talk to you at the same time. I am really surprised I am still pretty patient. ;) I do the half of the theory now and Birgit the other half. It's a lot to explain and it works pretty good even it's all in english :) We talked about feeding/stabeling/bedding and grooming today. And in the afternoon I was in the round pen again with Machlon. We did an obstical course again. And this time we have groups of two kids at the time. It's a bit easier 'cause I have to explain the exercises only 4 times. It's fun and intresting to see how the kids solve the tasks. Some of them have some 'intresting' ideas... Then I have to tell them they don't really wanna do this 'cause it could be pretty dangerous.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

my best ride ever since I am here

I rode Cody today. He felt not so sticky anymore. It was like you sit on a horse's back not just a wooden board. I had to work pretty hard to get him in frame. He never gave me something for free... ! But I guess I don't want it for free ! :) It felt soooooo great ! Now, I can hope to get my Bronze in September ! Not that I ever had a doubt on that.... but now I can see a light in the dark. I am closer to my goal. I have to work pretty hard now to get it faster ! I look forward to my next ride on Cody or Machlon.

Monday, August 3, 2009


We started again at 5 am. It's getting cooler in the morning again. Looks like fall is coming :D I was soo busy I didn't have the time to be cold. I made a video of Fire in the arena. He got a vaccination yesterday and was pretty stiff today. Poor boy ! But still, he had his fun being attitudy in the arena. It was funny to watch. After we worked all the horses the chiropractor came for Cody. She found two vertebraes out in the withers, three in the lumbar area and the pelvis was down on one side too. I really hope Cody feels better now. He stretched his head down when Emilia worked on his back. It was so nice to see.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

rain forest visit

The five of us went to the Ancient Forest near Dome Creek. It was so nice to see all the old cedars. All of them are pretty old, about 1000 or more years. Sure, there also were the mosquitos but not that much.. It's amazing to see there are hidden places where you never assume it. I never would think of a rain forest in the Canadian Rockies ! I was so surprised. After our visit there we detoured to McBride to cool off with an ice cream. Delicious, like always. :) Home again, I just was lazy and read in the shade. We will go to the pub for dinner. It's a nice change from time to time.