Sunday, August 30, 2009

long trail ride

We went for a trail ride to the Dunster Store yesterday. It was my day off and I had to send a postcard. I rode Cody. He was in a bad mood when I saddled him but then he really enjoyed it not to be in the arena... I enjoyed the ride as well. Twice I almost fell off the horse. We jumped two ditches and I wasn't prepared enough for Cody's huge jump over a diny creek. And the saddle I had is not the best for things like that. It was so funny on the way home Cody was so impatient :D He had enough and only wanted to go home. It was way too much work for him to be almost 3 hours on the trail :D Cody can be sooo funny ! As soon as we were home again, after we cleaned all the tack I got ready to go to town with Birgit. On our way home from McBride the guy in front of us on the street couldn't drive straight ! Scary ! Birgit called the police and we followed him when he turned to Hidden Lake Road. Finally, we went home and the next thing was to get ready to go to Reg's place for a visit.

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