Friday, August 13, 2010

sh.... weather and my horse is not running :(

We had heavy rain yesterday and it was not nice to work outside. After a short while we were all soaken wet. And today in the morning we got another load of rain which stopped in the middle of the morning, thank god. The track was closed to save the ground for the evening races. The track is pretty deep and I really hope no horse will injury itself tonight. One of my horses, Brooke, was suppost to run tonight but she scratched herself and so she stays home. I looked forward to get my horsey ready for the race :( but I guess I will get another chance to paddock a horse soon... I wouldn't paddock Brooke anyway 'cause she can be a real bitch and so I would only get her ready. So I am off today and I guess I will go over and watch the one horse in the 8th race. There were suppost to be 4 horses on duty today but two have scratches, one is racing and one is only for paddock schooling. Maybe tomorrow... ;)

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