Wednesday, June 1, 2011

cow summer camp

My day off started with nice sunny weather, a little wind. After breakfast and feeding the one calf which is too weak to stand up yet, Robin and I took off in the semi truck again to pick up cattle. This load went to the Buck Mountain grazing reserve near Winfield. It is beautiful up there. Nice bush country, perfect for riding I would say ;D When we reached the shoots where we had to unload the cows it was pretty busy. Trucks after trucks arrived at the corrals... today is the official 'drop-off' day for the pasture. It reminded me on a summer camp where you drop off your kids on the first day of camp... Robin and I had a blast going on and on with this summer camp idea :D Now, it was already lunch time and we headed to a small restaurant for a quick bite to eat. A sandwich, fries and an ice cream later we were on the road again to the next farm to pick up cattle. For this client we hauled 3 loads to his private pasture. By the time we were unload the last load the sky was dark grey and thick rain/thunder clouds promised to bring a load of rain and thunder. The scary grey color looked pretty with all the green from the trees. In the meantime it was around 7 pm and we were pretty tired. Home, I only had the energy to sit on the sofa and make sure I don't fall asleep... The two kittys didn't help much sitting on my chest and purr in my ears.

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