Tuesday, August 16, 2011

sunny day and moonshine walk

A nice sunrise this morning. Then some clouds came in again but got blown away soon. Sunshine and windy... a nice summer day - haying day. After checking the next hay field on the list I started raking a few rows in one field on the other side of the highway. I didn't think raking could be so much fun :) I even drove in the second gear ! Before, I only was brave enough for the first gear ;D When I was done raking all the rows we switched over to another field which was ready to get raked too. I enjoy to sit on the tractor and drive rounds after rounds and make nice big piles of hay. It looks so nice. I hope the weather stays nice during the night and so I will do some more raking tomorrow. Our next project was fixing the tractor with the cutter. It had water in the fuel tank. It was already 7 pm. One of our friends came over to have a look at a tractor which is for sale at the one neighbour's place. We met him on the road and went home to have a visit and a cup of coffee. It was still a nice evening and so we decided to eat our supper outside. Everybody moved down to the camp kitchen. The moon was really nice and bright. A few clouds around... I got the idea to go for a moonshine walk down to the saw mill. My friend joined me. I really enjoyed the quiet and all the sounds from the night. Horses, cows, wind, crickets, just awesome ! I really will miss that when I have to go back home !!

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