Wednesday, August 3, 2011

more haying

Another 4 days of working are gone and I am off again. Nothing special happend during my work, like before the Quarter horses went to a show from Wednesday and will be back on Sunday again... Less work for us but nothing exciting.... After my work was done, I ate an ice cream and off we go to rake hay. First, we had to get the rake greased up. I drove the truck over to the hay field again. Then, it was my turn to drive the tractor to rake the hay from one spot closer to another row. I don't like this tractor to stop it you really have to jump on the breaks... :( I don't really trust it either. Oh well, I made one round to move the 6. row. The corners are a bit tricky. It takes some practice to get all the hay moved in the corner. I got one out of 4 corners ;D Patience and practice is needed. If the weather stays nice we will start to bale tomorrow :D

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