Thursday, November 10, 2011

build a boardwalk and last cattle haul

My day started pretty slow... After deciding what we are doing today, everyone took off in different directions to start their projects. I didn't really have one, so I decided to go outside and give one of my friends a hand moving the motor home. Next project for me was to help build a boardwalk between the church and the outhouse. I still had a hard time breathing and so had to take it easy. I am so sick of these stupid bugs !!!! :( I really hope they will go away as fast as they moved in ! Around 2 pm a pasture haul was on the program. I took the chance to help 'cause it would be my last cattle haul :(:(:(:( I will miss to go haul cattle in the semi truck.... Well, maylbe I have the chance at the end of the month to go on an elk haul. We'll see... We were back home around 4 pm and after feeding us we headed back to the church to finish the boardwalk before the dark. Unfortunately, it's dark around 5.30 pm. We made it, got the boardwalk built before it was too dark. Another project is half finished. The part we did today was more important then the next part.

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