Monday, November 7, 2011

Feather at her new home

Yesterday, we delivered Feather to her new owner. She was a good girl when it came to go in the trailer :) Feather didn't have a lot of trailer loading practice. She also was good when we reached the new home and it was time to get out of the trailer. No hurry to get out of it at all... We were so proud of her. Neira, another of the Starmyri Horses, is at the same place like Feather. Both were happy to see each other again. The barn owner has a donkey stallion. He started to talk as soon as Feather was out of the trailer...  She wasn`t impressed with this unfamiliar sound ! You could see on her face `wow, what is THAT !?!?' But she was good and didn't try to run away. Feather and Neira were together across the donkey in a pen when we left the property. We still don`t have snow yet which is a record ! But I guess we will get snow sometime this week... :( I really don`t look forward to that.

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