Sunday, May 31, 2009

farm auction II

We went to another farm auction today. It was the same company like yesterday which sold all the stuff. This time it was a smaller auction. It was less intresting then the one yesterday. But the weather was gorgeous again. Maybe a bit on the windy side but gorgeous... I met a lot of people again and of course also new people. We only went there for a few hours.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


We went to a farm auction today. It was my first one and so pretty exciting. It's amazing what kind of stuff and chunk was for sale, from halters to the biggest hay machine ! There were also four horses for sale. Two of them were draft horses. The white one had a hugh head ! :D
We spent the whole day at this farm. Birgit bought two piles of bits, three saddle pads for the dogs and two head stalls for draft horses.
The farm is in beautiful area. Big pastures surrounded by forest and behind the forest are the mountains. It must be amazing to go for a ride throu the bush.

Friday, May 29, 2009

a new member...

Yesterday was an exciting day. Blue's foal has arrived. It's a dark bay colt, maybe he is a dark bay roan. Cutie has no name yet. He was born at 1 pm. The birth was pretty hard. The foal's feets didn't come together so Andy had to push it back and search for the second foot. Blue was so tired afterwards. She didn't move for quite a while. I felt so sorry for her. I can imagine how she felt.... Now, she's fine and pretty busy with the little man. Cutie is so independent. He likes to go for a run in the pasture and mommy has a hard time to keep an eye on him and eat.

He wasn't even 24 h old and already tried to eat straw, drink water and roll in the straw. Baby likes when you scratch his bum. He tires to scratch you back then. :) So cute. He is already pretty pushy. Yes, he's defenetly Fire's son.

It was so funny. Yesterday morning I saw Fire had a nap and crossed his hind legs. And Baby was just born and tried to get up- with crossed legs... :D I had to smile when I saw it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

a wonderful hike in the mountains

I went for a hike with Andy in the mountains yesterday. It was unbelievable nice. The sun was shining and there was a little breeze... The path was pretty steep on some places. I felt my muscles after awhile and my condition also isn't the best. I had to catch my breath several times...
I enjoyed every minute.
I don't regret my decision not to go to the cattle drive. I saw a bull moose and a mountain goat. This was reward enough. :D

Saturday, May 23, 2009

exercises, stretches,...

I went to the women's fair today in McBride. There were several workshops I could choose from. I chose nordic walking, yoga and two workshops for back exercises. So, I did a lot of stretchings and exercises today... It was nice we did the nordic walking and yoga outside in the sun. It felt sooo nice. I met new people and the food was pretty tasty. Especially the white chocolate cookies, yummy. :)
I really enjoyed the day. It's been a while since the last time I left the farm. Don't get me wrong I really love to stay at the farm but sometimes I need a few time somewhere else... ;)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

a hairy day...

When I looked out of the window this morning I thought I still dream ! SNOW in the middle of May ! Okay then... let's dress warm and go feed the horses. Crazy ! Soon the snow turned into rain and so we decided to clean the dirty house. I grabbed the vaccum and started. I guess it took us 4 hours to clean upstairs. We ran out of cookies and so I baked some. A tasty reward after all the dust, dirt and hay...
the sun showed up and tried to tease us in the afternoon. The weather forcast says it should be better now... we'll see what happens.
Finally our internet is also working again...

The next thing for me to do this evening are exercises.... Usually, Birgit and I do them together but she has to do some other stuff.

Friday, May 15, 2009

a great lunging session

It was a productive day today. We worked 6 horses today. I got the three youngsters ready and Birgit rode and lunged them. I get faster and faster in grooming and put the saddle on the horse. :) Routine is everthing.
In the afternoon I could lunge Samy in the outdoor arena. Birgit gave a lesson and kept an eye on us. When I sent Samy out he just raced on the circle ! Crazy ! So I had to calm him down first. After a while he leveled his head, relaxed and we could start our work. It was soooo great. I really missed this kind of work. Yes, I lunged the youngsters but this work was different. I could ask him to make smaller circles, bigger circles, transitions trot-canter / canter- trot without racing and in a nice frame. Samy listend so good !
I had to practise an exercise I will have to show Chris when I do my test. It's moving circles around. We did a good job and all in the trot. :) He sure can be a good boy... if he starts to think instead to see all the pink monster's around him... I was so pleased. I hope we can repeat this session soon..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

another busy day...

It was a busy day today. I spent the morning in the kitchen. I made cranola, ginger cookies and a pasta salad for supper. The cookies turned out sooo good. Soon I will have to make another load :)
After a few yard work and a fight with the rooster we had lunch.
Then I had to get ready Jonny for his lunging /riding sesson with Birgit. I couldn't be there and watch I had to groom Alberta. She was in a better mood then yesterday.
I could ride Bandit in the outdoor arena today. Birgit gave a lesson and had an eye on me. Oh well, I think yesterday I rode better ! My muscles on shoulders and legs are pretty sore from yesterday. :( But at least I felt how it should feel to follow the movement of the horse's back. My legs are getting better. I only have to try again and again.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Riding is work !

It was my day off today. Brigit and I went to a Mother's day yard sale in Dunster. It's a kind of flea market. I love this trips and to meet people. Some of them I alreay met before.

In the afternoon Jonny's owner came for a visit and watched a training session. I helped Brigit during the canter part. My job was to support her aids with the lunge whip. This is a good exercise for me to practise the lunging position. :)
Later I rode Bandit in the outdoor arena. Hell, I have to correct my legs as soon as possible. They have too much movement at the wrong time ! So I provide myself to ride with short stirrups for the next few weeks. This should help me to keep my heel down and the leg on the horse. I already tried it today and my legs are better, well at least at the walk...! Also my ellbows need a correction. I want to know when I learn all this bad stuff !!
I have to practise pretty hard the next weeks. It's good, riding is work !

Saturday, May 9, 2009

first riding lessons

We had two students here for riding lessons. Both are beginners. I helped to get Bandit ready for the first lesson. Brigit told me I would give the lesson today and she will help me... Oh well, first I had to remember which exercise the students need to do... then explain what the horse's barrel does while the horse moves. It's pretty difficult to correct your body position, lunge the horse correctly and watch what the student does on the horse. After the two lessons I was tired and energyless.
Brigit had a big argument with the young training horse, Jonny. As soon as he feels pressure it seems the mind leaves the body. You can see it in his eyes ! Today wasn't the first time I saw it. It really hurts to see this in a young horse's eyes.

After lunch Brigit wanted to ride Miho after I lunged him. It went pretty good. He never tried to stop on the left side. :) Miho was also good under the rider. Looks like he enjoys it.
Then was it Alberta's turn. As far as I could see she also did good. I had to clean the corrals it was almost feeding time.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

busy days...

I long lined Cody yesterday. He was nice and did all what I wanted :) I also have to do it at the Certification test. I need to practise it again.
I also did assist Brigit while she rode Miho, the youngester. First, we worked with him in the round pen then Brigit rode him. He was so cool and relaxed very good. I guess it was the third ride this year and he also loped with rider.

Today, it was only a yard work day. Brigit went at the Terracana Ranch and I worked in the house and yard. The arena got sand and it needed to be spread. Marc did the big part with the tractor. Brigit and I only raked and shoveled along the walls and the corner. There is also the round pen which is left. I guess we will spread the sand there tomorrow.
We also have two lessons tomorrow afternoon. I will help to get the horses ready for the lessons.

At the moment it's raining. We had changing weather today, rain and sunshine.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Finally, our internet is working again.... It was down for two days.

We had beautiful sunshine the last few days, sunny and a light wind. T-shirt weather, awesome !
Oh well, looks like the sunny weather is already over again. The forecast for next week is rain and snow... we'll see !

Brigit and I went to a party on the riverside of the fraser yesterday. It was fun. I really enjoyed the evening. We did a roast at the bonfire. Friend's of Brigit gave the party. I met some nice people there. One was a girl from Switzerland. She also stays at a horse farm.

Jonny, a new training horse arrived today. I am curious about his gaits. He's a Tennessee Walker. :) Brigit wanna work with Jonny tomorrow in the round pen. And of course I will be there too. Samy and Jonny are in the same corral. It looks like they get along together pretty good.

I saw my first black bear today ! Exciting ! It was in the field across the highway. (Un)fortunatly, I couldn't take a picture 'cause it was too far away.