Saturday, May 9, 2009

first riding lessons

We had two students here for riding lessons. Both are beginners. I helped to get Bandit ready for the first lesson. Brigit told me I would give the lesson today and she will help me... Oh well, first I had to remember which exercise the students need to do... then explain what the horse's barrel does while the horse moves. It's pretty difficult to correct your body position, lunge the horse correctly and watch what the student does on the horse. After the two lessons I was tired and energyless.
Brigit had a big argument with the young training horse, Jonny. As soon as he feels pressure it seems the mind leaves the body. You can see it in his eyes ! Today wasn't the first time I saw it. It really hurts to see this in a young horse's eyes.

After lunch Brigit wanted to ride Miho after I lunged him. It went pretty good. He never tried to stop on the left side. :) Miho was also good under the rider. Looks like he enjoys it.
Then was it Alberta's turn. As far as I could see she also did good. I had to clean the corrals it was almost feeding time.

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