Friday, January 28, 2011

snow again :(

A new day. All was good even my next drive with the bobcat. I made it to the dump and shavings shelter without any problems. Unfortunately, we got another few centimeters of snow today :( I would say we have enough of this white stuff. And now after the warmer days lately, there is ice on the ground which is now covered. So, not much fun to walk around outside especially when you have to lead horses from and back to the barn. Today, when I wanted to bring two horses in I had to pass two other ones in their paddock. And of course, as soon as we were almost at their paddock, they started to kicking and bucking. GREAT !! The two horses I led were getting snorty and I still think they had no idea why they were even snorting... The mare, LuLu rammed me with her chest when she tried to pass me. I dont like horses with no education !!! So we managed to get to the barn, both were still snorting and high headed. The next problem was how to get these two in the barn ! Thank god, Jake came out the door and I just handed him one rope and I took the gelding in the barn. He followed me with the mare. The last time when I had to deal with two horses like that was in Calmar. Thats the reason I dont like to lead two horses I dont know at the same time and especially when they are not focused on me. GRRRRRR !!!! Someone told me afterwards, usually, the mare is only like that... hahahahahhaha thanks a lot !!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

stuck in the snow

Today was my first drive in a bobcat (that`s a kind of tractor thingy, to put the manure in and dump it, it also has a bucket on the front). I made it from one barn to the other and backwards out again. But that was it.... i got stuck in the deep soft snow :( GREAT !! So, Jake one of the guys who work here had to pull the bobcat out with the truck or tractor. Nice first try :) Oh well, I just need to practise some more ;)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

day 2

It`s my second day already. I was cleaning the most stalls today. No wonder the other staff member need so much time to clean stalls when they only chat the whole time !! I don`t wanna do stalls the whole day. So, I was cleaning without a big chat. The only chat I had was with the horses :) The one is a colt, 2 years old, Quarter horse, a real cutie. I picked him up in the pasture today. He is so quiet. I wonder if he is really so quiet or someone made him quiet.... And there is Jake, he is also a Quarter horse. I had to bring him in too today. As soon as I saw the chain on his halter I suspected this horse must be a brat. He tried to nibble on me and play with the chain. A few times he tried to pull a stunt while I lead him. Stand still suddenly, put the head up as high as he can (unfortunately, he is not that tall...) and when I told him to smarten up and walk nicely he was not happy. And when I came in the barn the one girl asked me if he took me for a ride. Emmmm.... not with me !!! We have manners !!! I am on night check tonight. I will help Kaycee. I guess I will see what's going on ;)

Monday, January 24, 2011

a fresh start

I moved in my new home at Double W Riding Academy in Bluffton yesterday. Today was my first day of work. I started at 7 am with feeding which means I helped Amy with feeding. After feeding we started to clean stalls. And soon the horses went outside for the day. It was easier to clean the stalls when the horses are not in there. There are Warmbloods and Quarter horses. The Quarter horses are used for showing. Poor things have to wear a hood over the whole neck and head inside the barn and in the pasture. They look like the horses from the knights :) I expected the warmbloods to be crazy but they are not to bad. There are a few of the Quarter horses which are a bit crazy when the time comes to go in the barn again. I guess they just look forward to their supper. ;) Oh well, I am used to crazy horses after I worked at the track. The Quarter horses are not that tall like the racehorses. The warmbloods are huge !!! So, after my 9 hour-day I am just toast !!! All I do is eat, shower and go to bed !!! There is no more energy for something else !! My room is brand new and fancy. I have a double bed. Unfortunately, I have no door on my bed room. It's one huge room where two bedrooms and a living room include. My room mate, Casey is a nice girl so far.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

a change is close

I can move in my new home at Double W Riding Academy tomorrow afternoon. I am sooooo excited ! And I can't wait to start my new job. Even it will be hard I guess the first few days.. but that's okay :) As long as it doesnt turn out like the one at the race track I am good with that. I hope this job is a good one and it will last til October. I am not in the mood to look for another job after a month or so. I just take one day at the time. It doesnt make any sense to go there with any expectations and then get disappointed.. So i will wait and see how it goes. ;D

Friday, January 21, 2011


I had my job interview today at Double W Riding Academy in Bluffton. Aaaaanddd... guess what ?? I got the job !!!! :):):):):):) I will start on Monday at 7 am. I will get a room at the owner's house, a suite which I will share with another girl. My job will be cleaning stalls, turn horses in and out, harrow the arena and other stuff I don't know yet. I am soooo excited ! Finally I got a job which hopefully will last more then 2 month ! I look forword to Monday, this could be a great chance for me to learn some more about dressage or jumping... ;)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

an upcoming change ?

More snow !! I still think we have enough now, so why dont you just stop !! I can go for a job interview to Double W Riding Academy in Bluffton. We planned on going there tomorrow but unfortunately we should get another 5 to 10 cm of snow tomorrow. So we postponed it and will go Friday. Then the weather should be better. I really hope to get this job it sounds sooo interesting. It would include everything I ever did in the horse industry (horse work, cleaning stalls, farm work,...). I look forward to have a job again after 2 month of holidays. Its not that I have real holidays I still work, sort of... ;) I help at my friends farms in Dunster BC, Winfield AB and Edson AB. Still, I look forward to earn some money again... :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

already middle of Jan 2011

It's already middle of January ! I can't believe how fast the time flies. I remember New Year's Eve and now it's already middle of the month... I guess this only means I am busy all day which is good I hate when the time creeps like a snail. Its snowing again today, a little bit hard at the moment. And sure it has to snow 'cause soon I have to go out feeding horses. Unfortunately, always when I am outside and do something it starts to snowing... Oh well... go for it if you need it, Petrus !! And it's windy today too. It's not much fun to be outside in the cold (minus 26 degrees) with wind.

Monday, January 10, 2011

new member at Starmyri Appaloosas

Since around 3 weeks there is an unknown black cat around the barn yard. Lynn saw it first. I only saw a black body with a long tail one day. And we saw it another few times. And yesterday, Linda and I were in the barn, putting Maddy to bed and visiting with Polly and Perdy when we heard a "miau, miau" from under the barn. There was a cute black face peeking out... a black cat. The black cat !!! We were talking to it and Linda put some cat food down for it. It came out from under the barn that far so it could eat. And soon it was out to get cuddles. Now, we could see it pretty close. It is a cute young tomcat. A black and white one with white paws. Soooo cute !!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

more snow

Yesterday, we got around 20 cm of snow. Awesome !!! It was a long time ago since I saw this much snow last. But of course with all the snow everything is even harder to do. You get tired only from walking from the hay yard over to the other hay yard to feed the pasture herd. And it takes longer to dig all the hay out of the snow and feed it to the horses. My arms are aching and I have to pay attention not to get tendon problems again. Last night, we got some snow too but it wasn't that much like the night before. But according to the weather guys there should be more snow coming... I am not so sure if I really like that... I guess I will figure it out.

Friday, January 7, 2011

snow snow, more snow

We got more snow today, not much but still... snow. There should come a huge load of snow the next few days. Yesterday and today, its pretty windy. I dont like to be close to trees when its windy like here, you never know when one of the poplars decide to brake in half... Everyone is good here, horses, dogs, kittys, llama, goat and people. Maddie grows every day and has fun every time when we take her out for doing chores. She always finds something to play with. Yesterday, it was a piece of cardboard which she found in Benshys pan. She tried to get it through the fence which was not possible cause it was to big. So, she folded (!) it and could carry it through the fence no problem ;) I was surprised when I saw that ! She is a smart little girl ;D Yesterday evening, I got a nice picture of the sky, I really love to take pics when the sun goes down

Monday, January 3, 2011

happy new year and a new year`s trail ride

New Year's Eve in Canada !! My first New Year's Eve away from home... It was a bit weird not to hear fireworks during the day. But I really enjoyed the sounds of the country. We played horseopoly in the evening and had a good time... On New Year's day we saddled the horses and headed out in the bush for a trail ride. What a wonderful thing to start in the new year !! We took it easy and cruised around in the snow. I rode Kidd and he had a blast walking in snow banks... He is still a child in some way :) Then yesterday we took the chance and went for another trail ride. This time, we took a different route. It was amazing. I really enjoy to ride in the bush around here. I rode Kidd again, he wanted to be in the front all the time so no one bugs him and he has a good view whats in front of him ;D My yellow little horse !!!