Saturday, October 30, 2010

a lot happend

Finally, I am back online... The last two day the office was closed which is my boss`new little game. He does quite the mobbing here... !! But.. I will solve this problem soon... !! The snow is gone yesterday and today was sunny which was nice. I really enjoyed the morning today a clear sky, the moon was shining and the stars were out too ;) and I sat on the quad feeding horses in the dark. I love to feed in the dark. It`s so nice and I am alone with all the horses ;) According to the weather guys it should be around 15 degrees in a few days. I guess we will see... Mary has a friend now. The little chestnut colt from Miami Bling had surgery (hernia) and need to be in the stall too. Mary gets sooo excited when he leaves the stall to go for a walk in the barn. She almost destroyed her box stall... The kittys love to go for an adventure out of the barn. Tiger escaped the other day when I wanted to close the barn door... And Kitty, the red-white one is my assistent now. Tiger the supervisor. Both hang around with me when I have to do something in the barn. Kitty helps me when I have to fill up the oats. He sits on the bucket with the minerals, purrs and watches me working. Funny guys !!

Monday, October 25, 2010

first snow in Calmar

When I woke up at 5.40 am to check if another mouse is stuck to the sticky pad I looked out of the window in my bedroom and couldn`t believe what I saw.... SNOW !! First, I thought I am dreaming but there was snow on the ground. It was everywhere, on my deck, in the paddock next to my trailer,... so it wasn`t a dream. Wow, snow in October. Well, we had this once i guess in Switzerland too. It was snowing during the day more or less all the time. The horses had their fun, running and bucking. The cuties, the foals, were pretty careful walking in this white cold stuff. I guess they will figure out that it is so much fun running around in the snow. Even it was snowing during the day it melted pretty quick on several spots. I would say this is just the beginning of a hard long winter.... That`s what the weather guys say... I guess we will see !

Saturday, October 23, 2010

adventures for the cats

A foogy day.. In the morning we had a nice sunrise but then it was only grey grey grey ! Oh well, we had a few nice sunny fall days. After feeding I had to clean the box stalls in the barn where Mary is and sweep afterwards. Usually the cats are in the office during the day so we can open the doors so Mary gets fresh air. Today, one of the guys let the front door open and my boss came in the barn to ask me if the cats are in the office. Since he helped to fix them they are mad at him and run away as soon as they see him. There was one of the cats outside the barn talkint to me. It was Tiger but I guess he was afraid of something when I opened the door he ran in the office. Marco said they can go outside as long as they come back... ! Okay I opened the one barn door and both kittys wanted to check out the life out side the barn. I told them to stay around the barn and don`t walk away. Both were brave and went for a walk behind the barn. But not for long after awhile they came back in the barn. So that`s what they did the whole day today. That`s good, I don`t want them to get scared and run away. We are close to a road where the trucks drive like crazy !! More adventures for the kittys tomorrow :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

the day after...

Back to work again today. Well, it was not that bad except the daydreaming all the time.... it was like a screensaver is coming on all the time.... scenes from yesterday, stuff I wanna do with him,... all kind of things. So I had to push that aside and concentrate on what I am doing. We took two horse shelter apart today. I had to work with a electronic screw driver, get all screws out and put the metal parts on a pile.

day in town

yesterday was my day off and I took off to Edmonton to see Jim, my boyfriend. He had some business to do in town and so it was a good idea to see each other again. It was nice to see him again, I really missed him. Unfortunatly the hours were running like crazy, it seems like the day flys as soon as we meet... :( We arrived in downtown around noon and I had to catch the bus at 6pm and Jim a hour later. But we always have a lot of fun, a lot to talk about, ... and sure as hell I didn`t look for long underwear... ! Oh well, I can get them in Leduc I guess...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

three girls back from the track

Since around a week the three fillys Jeppino, Marilyn and Jesse Jake are back home at the farm. I know all of them ( or should know all of them) `cause they were at Diodoro`s barn in Edmonton. Unfortunatly, I can`t remember Jesse Jake but heard the name at the track before. They are out in the paddock during the day and in the barn at night `cause they still don`t have their winter coat yet. It`s so nice to see them playing out in the paddock. Rearing, bucking, running all what they want. :) Jeppino is pretty crazy sometimes. When she came the first day to the track I had to take her for a walk and she was squeeling and crohopping all the time. Little miss Crazy :D (in the picture : Marilyn, on her right side in the corner Jeppino and Jesse Jake)

Friday, October 15, 2010

3 days of action

On Wednesday I was sick. It started at 1 am with diarrea and belly cramps. So I spent my day in bed. :( It was a nice sunny day and I was sick !!! GREAT ! I really love that. Then yesterday the farrier was here to trim 20 horses. We had to grab the horses from the other side of the farm and bring them to the small barn... My energy was gone around noon ! I was done and ready for bed. Good thing I didn`t do much in the afternoon. Today it was getting better, still a bit tired around noon but not like yesterday. All I did today was feeding in the morning, put three horses in the paddock, make a frame for the one water trough so the mouse can`t go in there again, pick up my package I got from my mom, get horses in the barn again and feed. Easy day ;) that`s okay it was pretty windy today. Strong wind !!! Looks like winter is coming soon...

Monday, October 11, 2010

thanksgiving party in Winfield

Charlene, Linda`s niece invited me to her Thanksgiving party yesterday. Erin, her daughter, and Krissie picked me up on Saturday evening. After a stop in the hay field to chase cows back in their pan, well, Erin, her cousin and neighbours chase them, Krissi and I were chatting in the car, we made it to the house. I knew a lot of people, Fabienne, the ex farm stay girl was there too. We had soo much fun all together. 5 guys and me went to play pool, ping pong and basketball. I put 2 balls down :) it was the second time that I was playing pool. I guess I went to bed at 11.45pm... I was soooo tired. :) the next day we got a nice pancake breakfast, they were sooo good !! The next thing was that we went to church in the room were all the Australian saddles are. I really enjoyed the service... Rob, charlene`s husband is a priest. After that we went to grab horses and go for a trail ride. It was great to sit on a horse again... ! Holy, I missed that !! I rode Dusty, an older Arabian gelding. He was a bit lazy and walked just as much as I was asking him, not one more step ! So we ended up to discuss this topic. He accepted my arguments and we enjoyed a great trail ride from around 2 hours. Jeff, Charlene`s son asked me to have a look at one of the horses. Duncan is a real cutie ! He needs a chiropractor and Jeff will tell me what the chiropractor found. After a tasty supper with turkey, yams, mashed potatoes, ham,... and for dessert a varity of different pies it was time for me to head home. Rob brought me home. I really had a great weekend. It was good to see everyone again and meet new people.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

wolf sighting and I wasn't there

We were lucky to have another nice sunny day. You never know when winter hits... ;) The morning was not chilly I was surprized. After feeding I jumped on the lawn mower again and cut grass like crazy... I am still not done yet... There is a lot of grass to cut. It was Jim's first day of work on the farm he is now. And sure, he was lucky to see a WOLF !! Crap ! And I wasn't there :( Oh day I will see my black wolf...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

two moose

Another nice sunny day today, I really enjoy the nice weather here as long as I can. The winter is coming soon enough. And this winter should be pretty hard and cold according to the weather guys. I was feeding in the morning and enjoyed the sunrise and the clear sky. Then after feeding we worked with the foals, pick up legs and brush them. The one foal was kicking like crazy when I brushed his bum. I guess I will have to scratch is bum the next time to show him that it is not a bad thing. I know foals have a reflex to kick on the hind legs when they are pretty young but this reflex disappears again I guess when they are 2 or 3 weeks old... And this young man is around 6 months old now. I don`t wanna blame it to a specific person but if you let a foal get away with stuff like that it gets a bad habit... !! I was pretty surprised today when I saw that. But it`s not the first time the colt did that. After put the new pipe to my dryer and coffee break I jumped on the lawn mower again and went to work in the bush. I just came around the corner and saw a big dark brown bum standing in the middle of the lawn. SHIT !! A horse is out !!! Then I saw the tiny tail and thought hmmmm... weird horse tail. The animal turned his head and put the ears forward and then I saw oh two MOOSE !!! Unfortunatly, I didn`t have my camera with me... I was soo excited that I thought I should tell the one Mexican guy about these two moose. I drove other there where he was working but he just ignored my calling.... I thought you a..... I will never tell you something like that again !!! So I enjoyed the two beautiful animals by myself ;) I spent the whole afternoon cutting gras and singing. At 4 pm I took the quad and went feeding. Another nice day went by.... how many are there still to come....

Sunday, October 3, 2010

john wayne ???

I went back to work today. Like always it started with feeding the horses. It is pretty chilly in the morning and still a bit dark when I start at 7 am. But again a nice sunrise... I love to be outside when just before the sun comes up and everything close is black and the nice colours behind... I really wish to see that in the mountains again. ah... I miss the mountains. After feeding I got a bunch of towels (real stinky one`s) to wash and a few horse blankets. In the afternoon I jumped on the lawn mower again and made more crop circles in the lawn ;D The two co-workers are a bit weird. The younger one, Cesar always looks at me, and if I talk to Marco and don`t work he needs to look even more. And he is rude !!! I am not sure if he doesn`t know it `cause he does not speak pretty good english or if he does it on purpose. Well, the next time when he is rude to me I will tell him... Not with me ! He walks like John Wayne. I don`t like guys like that. I could smack them left and right. He is not the hot shot like he think he is... ! Oh well... We`ll see...

an almost sh... day off

I had off yesterday and went for grocerys to Leduc. First, I wanted to meet Jim in Leduc so we could spend the day together. But he sent me a text message in the morning to tell me that he woke up too late and so he can`t make it to the Greyhound station on time. I was soooo pissed off... I looked forward to see him again but at least he felt pretty bad `cause he screwed up !!! So I was alone in Leduc and had fun buying my food. Later Selsa and Constanza, Marco`s wife and daughter picked me up and brought me home. I enjoyed a nice evening.

Friday, October 1, 2010

more help at the farm

The two mexican employees are here now since yesterday. Two guys. Don`t talk much at least not with me... Oh well, that`s fine. The five yearlings left for breaking yesterday and the two fillys came back. So the brat is here again ;D We put the three fillys in the walker today to give them some exercises. Later Marco showed me how to use the lawn mower and that`s what I did the whole afternoon :) and of course feed at 4 pm. Mary was already complaining `cause she was hungry :) Funny girl !