Friday, October 15, 2010

3 days of action

On Wednesday I was sick. It started at 1 am with diarrea and belly cramps. So I spent my day in bed. :( It was a nice sunny day and I was sick !!! GREAT ! I really love that. Then yesterday the farrier was here to trim 20 horses. We had to grab the horses from the other side of the farm and bring them to the small barn... My energy was gone around noon ! I was done and ready for bed. Good thing I didn`t do much in the afternoon. Today it was getting better, still a bit tired around noon but not like yesterday. All I did today was feeding in the morning, put three horses in the paddock, make a frame for the one water trough so the mouse can`t go in there again, pick up my package I got from my mom, get horses in the barn again and feed. Easy day ;) that`s okay it was pretty windy today. Strong wind !!! Looks like winter is coming soon...

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