Saturday, October 30, 2010

a lot happend

Finally, I am back online... The last two day the office was closed which is my boss`new little game. He does quite the mobbing here... !! But.. I will solve this problem soon... !! The snow is gone yesterday and today was sunny which was nice. I really enjoyed the morning today a clear sky, the moon was shining and the stars were out too ;) and I sat on the quad feeding horses in the dark. I love to feed in the dark. It`s so nice and I am alone with all the horses ;) According to the weather guys it should be around 15 degrees in a few days. I guess we will see... Mary has a friend now. The little chestnut colt from Miami Bling had surgery (hernia) and need to be in the stall too. Mary gets sooo excited when he leaves the stall to go for a walk in the barn. She almost destroyed her box stall... The kittys love to go for an adventure out of the barn. Tiger escaped the other day when I wanted to close the barn door... And Kitty, the red-white one is my assistent now. Tiger the supervisor. Both hang around with me when I have to do something in the barn. Kitty helps me when I have to fill up the oats. He sits on the bucket with the minerals, purrs and watches me working. Funny guys !!

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