Monday, November 29, 2010

awesome, awesome...

Maybe I will have a new job soon... All started when I was talking to my friend Birgit about Jim looking for another job 'cause he is not happy on the farm he is now. I just mentioned it in an email for some reason. So a few days ago Birgit asked me if my man is still looking for a new job and that Riversong Ranch is looking for a maintainance guy... I told her yes. So I had to create a resume for him first and then sent it to Birgit. And today during the day I got a text message from my man that Chris and Kathryn want to talk to me as well. AWESOME !! This would be the chance for both of us. For me to improve my skills in riding and ground work and for Jim to learn something new.. He was very interested when I made him watch the in-hand DVD. So I am still waiting for Chris or Kathryn to call me back :( Holy, I am sooo excited. It would be great when this would work out for us :) keep you posted ;)

a hell of a ride...

On Friday was Jeff's birthday and the party was on Saturday. The guys went hunting. I went for a walk with Jeff in the bush. I wanted to see if I can find some animal tracks. Jeff took his gun with him and so we went hunting... (Un)fortunatly, we didn't find the 'right' kind of deer, Jeff has permission to hunt a White tail deer but all we saw was mule deers. The one was a young one and not the smartest cookie in the jar, he could have shot in a heartbeat if Jeff was looking for a Mule deer. I saw some tiny tracks from a squirrel. Sooo cute ! After our little hunting tour I was so tired, I am not in shape to walk in the snow :( In the evening when the guys came back from another hunting trip, we went for a snow mobile ride in the dark. Krista and I were sitting in a kind of sled, made of plastic something with a wooden board to lean on. Good thing, we had a mattress to sit on ;) This sled thing was pulled by a quad. It was soooo much fun !! It was a bit scary between the trees and when we had to pass a gate ! Sometimes the trees or gate posts were pretty close to us. And once we almost fell out of the thing when we run over a log on the road.... And down the hill is a bit scary too. I really liked it, it was fun, fun, fun... (the picture on the right shows where the deer bucks were rubbing their antlers on a bush and made this whole in the snow)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

a cold auction day

Rob and I went to an auction of motel stuff. It was pretty interesting to see how much money the people spent on the stuff. Most of the stuff went pretty cheap, the auction guys started on 1000 / 5oo bucks and most of the time had to drop the price to around 100 bucks. Rob wanted me to bid on two heaters so I got his number and he told me the amount of money he wanted to spend and so I was standing outside in -30 degrees and waited for my chance to bid on this heaters :) and sure I got them to the price of 10 bucks per piece ;) like Rob told me. That was a good thing. As soon as I got them I went inside again to get warm again. We spent almost the whole day at this auction. And in the end Rob bought a lot of stuff... almost too much ;) The next step would be to get all the stuff home. Well, I guess this will be this week.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

minus 18 degrees

It's my second day in Winfield at my friends place. Yesterday, it was -18 degrees which is COLD ! My poor feets were cold after 5 min. My boots are not the right ones for beeing at a farm. I need good farm boots real quick. It's not too bad when you walk around but when you need to stand for awhile... then it's getting bad. I did a few things yesterday like blocking a spot so the cows can't walk through, watching the chiropractor work on a horse, chat with Charlene in front of the fire, help cooking, chat with Erin,... I was pretty busy ;) What's going on today I am not sure yet...

Friday, November 19, 2010

last page from a chapter, what will the new one bring..

Today is my last day here at Calmar Stables. Its sunny and freezing cold. I dont know yet how much below 0 but... pretty cold. On my deck is around 5 cm of snow. yeah, all thats left to do today is cleaning and pack all my stuff. I already started yesterday and so its not that much to do today. I am happy that I can stay at my friend Charlenes place in Winfield for a couple of days. I sure hope I will find a new job soon. Its hard to find a job here in this area. I wrote to a couple of barns and didnt get an answer (yet). So I dont wait for that, I need a job as soon as possible. Jim asked me if I would like to stay with him in an appartement in the city or outside and work in the city. Well, this is not too bad for winter time. A good experience too... I guess thats what I will do unless there is something else coming up, you never know... Time for get started with cleaning and washing more towels. And sure I have to say good bye to my kittys and all the horses. Oh by the way, Mary enjoys her little paddock she is in during the day. She can run around and have a good time. I will miss her and the kittys :(

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

got laid off and a happy horse in the paddock

I got laid off here in Calmar and it was my first day of not working today. It feels weird to have off for a unknown amount of time. As much as I wanted days off this is not funny !! It's the most stupid time of year to be unemployed ! I am not sure why they didn' t let me go earlier, lets say in October so I would have at least a bit of time to find a new job... It's hard now, well good job guys !! You earn an award for that bullshit !! But crying doesn't help at all and so I need to look for a job as soon as possible. I am still in Calmar, Rick the owner told me I could stay here for a few days til I got organized somehow.... All I did today was sitting on the table and surf in the internet try to figure out how to do online banking, talk to my sister on skype and went for a visit at Mary's paddock and in the barn to see the kittys. Mary goes out in a small paddock now which is great for her. She had a blast kicking and rearing in the snow :) I am so happy for her. Good thing she goes back in the barn for the night cause the paddock doesnt have a shelter. I am glad she is healed again and will go soon to another farm to be a brood mare. I don' t know what to do, all I know I will be bored pretty soon here without work....

Saturday, November 13, 2010

great day off and some headaches

I am back from Edmonton. Jim and I went to the Rodeo Finals on Wednesday evening, stayed over night in a hotel and spent Thursday in Edmonton together. The rodeo was great. I really enjoyed it, also Jim. It was his first rodeo. Around 10 pm it was over and we went to the hotel to catch up some sleep while we have the chance. Jim gave me a red rose, my first one ever ! That was soo nice ! The next day, Thursday we went to the West Edmonton Mall cause Jim needed a few things and we had the idea to go on the crazy roller coaster with the three loopings. We were there at around 1pm and there were tons of people like always. And it was also a holiday, Rememberence day. There is never enough time to see everything in one day, the mall is sooo huge. After we dropped our stuff in a locker we went to Galaxyland, were the roller coaster and other fun stuff is. Now the time was come to sit in the cart of the crazy roller coaster.... it was a hell of a ride !! Three loopings and left and right turns... different speeds and freaking high too. I was well shaked afterwards and pretty dizzy. Jim wanted me to come with him on another roller coaster where you could be lucky and drive everything backwards... I said no thank you !! This is absolutly crazy. The time flew like always when I am with Jim somewhere or not at work. I had to catch my bus at 6 pm. Unfortunatly, we left a bit too late the mall, got lost on our way to the bus station and in the end I missed my bus to Leduc. There is only the 6pm bus except on Wednesday... GREAT !!! What should i do now ! I phoned my boss and left a message that I am still in Edmonton. Jim was so nice to keep me company. He called his boss too and told him he would stay with me in Edmonton cause I missed the bus. We took another hotel room and spent the night in town again. Both bus were leaving at 6 am. And this time we were at the station 45 min earlier. :) Marco didnt answer the phone so I took a cab in Leduc to get home. I went to work 45 min too late this morning... what the hell... ;) I had a great time in Edmonton with Jim.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

coyotes singing in the morning, clouds in the evening

The morning was nice, a bit cloudy first but then all the clouds went away and we had a beautiful sunrise. The coyotes were singing and drove the neighbours dog crazy ;) and around 50 geese or so flew over the property of the farm. They are soo funny, they always talk while they fly :) It was not bright day yet we went in the paddock to pull more nails out of posts and poles. The next work we had to do was putting dirt around the cement basis from the new horse shelter. All this work is getting too much for my tendons. I can shovel dirt for around 5 min and then my arms are just aching like crazy. This is not much fun !! So I put the wool sleeves on my sister made for me and it`s better with them. But still it`s not good... In the afternoon the carpenter came to work more on the cement basis of the shelter and my two co-worker and me had to clean (!) the barn walls above the box stalls and the inside of the box stall walls. I am afraid of height so the guys had to go up there and clean. Meanwhile I was cleaning the box stall walls. And sure at 3 pm got the quad, filled up the trailer with oats and fed at 4 pm. Now the clouds are back, I hope we don`t get the snow from B.C. !!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

news news news

It`s already November now. Unbelievable how fast the time flys. In the meantime I was pretty busy cleaning again. This time the box stall walls in the one barn. GREAT ! It took me around a week to clean the whole freaking thing. And now I have to be careful `cause my tendons start to complain about hard work. After cleaning the office and water troughs I pull out nails of posts and poles from horse shelters. Another nice work. It seems I only get the bull shit jobs here... The only good thing I do twice a day is feeding the horses and fill up the trailer in the afternoon... Since today Mary and cutie go for a short walk in the barn. Mary was sooo excited she gave the one Mexican a hard time :D I never had problem with her at the track ;) And again, it`s only the mexicans or Marco who walk the horses. Not fair !! but what can I do... Jim and I want to go to the Rodeo Finals next week in Edmonton. I really look forward to that. There are only the best bulls, horses and cowboys. It will be fun to breath `western` air again :) And today was the Breeder`s Cup in the US. Jim sent me a text message while I was tearing the shelter apart that the Breeder`s Cup is on the tv and if I also would watch it... Unfortunatly, no i had to work on this shelter... One fine day....