Tuesday, November 16, 2010

got laid off and a happy horse in the paddock

I got laid off here in Calmar and it was my first day of not working today. It feels weird to have off for a unknown amount of time. As much as I wanted days off this is not funny !! It's the most stupid time of year to be unemployed ! I am not sure why they didn' t let me go earlier, lets say in October so I would have at least a bit of time to find a new job... It's hard now, well good job guys !! You earn an award for that bullshit !! But crying doesn't help at all and so I need to look for a job as soon as possible. I am still in Calmar, Rick the owner told me I could stay here for a few days til I got organized somehow.... All I did today was sitting on the table and surf in the internet try to figure out how to do online banking, talk to my sister on skype and went for a visit at Mary's paddock and in the barn to see the kittys. Mary goes out in a small paddock now which is great for her. She had a blast kicking and rearing in the snow :) I am so happy for her. Good thing she goes back in the barn for the night cause the paddock doesnt have a shelter. I am glad she is healed again and will go soon to another farm to be a brood mare. I don' t know what to do, all I know I will be bored pretty soon here without work....

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