Saturday, April 9, 2011

baby cows / interesting ride

Yesterday, the weather was nice, sunny but a cold wind was blowing. There are two calves out in the pasture. I wanted to see them. In the morning Rob and I took off to Breton, I had to buy food and mail my easter parcels, he had to buy a piece for a gravel truck or so and do some insurance stuff. Then we had lunch at the little cafe where Krista is working. It was good food. Rob got a call to buy cooking oil, so we headed to the grocery store and suddenly I was in the mood for a oreo ice cream sandwich ;) We bought each an ice cream and brought home one for Marc and Charlene. I love ice cream ! Now it was time to check on the cows. Rob and I walked out to see if there are more cuties around. No, not yet... only the two. In the meantime the neighbours came over to get a riding lesson. I went to the arena to have a look what they were doing. There was Buddy, Krista's horse, tied up in the arena. I like him, he is a busy bee ! As soon as you mount him he is full of energy and walks pretty fast. I could do some things on the ground with him first, then I had the chance to ride him. :) I was just aching to ride him... I got him ready which was informative for the neighbours. He was not with me with his thoughts when I asked him to move over... so i gave him a smack on the butt and he had a little freakout, pulled back ! Oh great !!! I don't like that. So I send him forward like I always do. From the background I heard 'Oh good' or something when I smacked him on the butt but I didn't have time to wonder what's going on there I was a little busy. Finally, I had the gear on him and was ready to mount. As soon as I was in the saddle off we went for a fast walk in the arena. I rode what he threw at me, counterbend, stops, circles,... it was fun. After a few minutes he kinda settled down, still pretty fast walking. I could feel him getting a little bit slower. Interesting !! So we did our rounds and finally when I rode him over the bridge he was level headed for a short time (he is usually high headed, no wonder he is so full of energy) I was so thrilled when I saw that, good boy !! I would like to try a balance rein on him. That would be interesting to see him with that, to see the difference... :D

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