Saturday, April 9, 2011

sad day - nice day

Sunny day again, no wind this time, just great !!! I felt the urge to go for a walk down the road. The day started with a call from Charlene to help them bring in a cow which was ready to calf last night. I thought the calf was already born during the night but I guess not.... We picked her up in the pasture and brought her in the pen with the shelter. The calf was butt first coming which is not a good thing. So, we tried to find the hind legs so we could pull it out. The cow was so nice, she knew we would help her. When we pulled it out finally, it was dead :( Another poor little dead calf :( Fortunately, its not always a sad ending. There are around 6 calves out in the pasture exploring the snowbanks, other cows,... :) so cute ! After another trip out in the cow pasture to put ear tags on the new babies, I went for a nice little walk down the road to the blue steel gate. I had three buddys with me, Cooper, Reggie and Glancey. It was a nice little walk. I really enjoyed it. As soon as I was back the the farm, Rob asked me if I wanna go to the big town of Winfield with him. Sure, I love to go for a little drive...

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