Wednesday, December 29, 2010

lazy day after Christmas

Chilly, windy, snowy... a good reason to be lazy :) The best days to be lazy are between Christmas and New Year. ;) All I did today was feeding in the morning, chatting with my mom on skype, have a chat with Linda, have a nap or sort of a nap I was listening to music and now I still don't do a lot... Oreo, Babe and Magic have fun in the snow at the moment. Crazy girls :)

sledding in the horse pasture

A nice winter day with a little bit of clouds and the sun peeking out- perfect for sledding !! It was AJ's second Birthday party. So, we took three plastic sleds and a quad to the hill in Mikeys pasture. Joe plowed a road down the hill for us. I was pulling Cat, AJ`s half sister, in a sled to the hill. Maddie was with us too. She was so excited like only a puppy can be... I gave Cat`s sled a push and tried to send her down the hill. The snow was way too powdery and too deep so i had to follow her down the hill and push her again and again. Maddie followed us and checked out what we do. Soooo cute !! Linda picked us up with the quad on the foot of the hill to pull us up the hill. I put Maddie also in the sled and sat behind her. Unfortunatly, the sled tipped over and I was laying in the snow. Maddie laid on Cat. Poor Maddie, she had no idea what happend, the expression on her face was so surprised ! So, I lifted her out of the sled and we were laying together in the snow. Then it was my turn to sled down the hill... The sled was too light and so I felt every bump in the ground and the sled even turned so I was facing up hills... Everyone was laughing !!! it was fun, i really missed sledding !

Monday, December 27, 2010

back to work after Christmas

Jim had to go back to Viking today. I just got used to have him around me more then just one or two days... and he has to go back... ! That is just not fair !!! So we were visiting after feeding horses and just took it easy. Linda and I are still not quite recovered from the short nights before Christmas. Then it was time to head to the bus station. The bus left town at 3.15 pm. I already miss him :( I don`t know when I will see him the next time :(

Sunday, December 26, 2010

christmas trail ride

Today, we went for our Christmas trail ride. Awesome !!!! I rode my golden boy, Kidd again. It was great like always when I rode him. He had so much fun and was full of energy. Kidd wanted always be in the front and go his speed. Sometimes we went for a little sightseeing in the bush ;) We took Jim on Scoot with us. He really enjoyed it. I really would like to repeat the trail ride...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas away from home

My first Christmas away from home.... it is a weird feeling and on the other side exciting. I spent Christmas Eve at Linda's place. The whole gang was here and we had a fondue bourginaux with meat and veggies. Here, the meat and veggies get coated with a batter before you put it in the oil to fry. Another good version. :) And as always on days like that there was way too much food. ;) I got nice presents and the one I was so excited about is the one from Jim. He gave me wolf earrings and a necklace with a wolf and a cup with wolves on it. He knows that I loves wolves :) That present means a lot to me ! I got him a tool thingy for fishing. it looks like a Swiss Army knife for fishers. ;)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

3 days til christmas

3 Days til Christmas !! And til i see Jim again, yeah!! He will come to Edson for Christmas. Linda and I took it easy, put the 2 year-old stud which is boarded here together with the geldings, had a few good chats, one of Linda's friends came over for a visit, i wrapped my presents for Jim and then it was time for feeding the horses.

Monday, December 20, 2010

eclipse tonight

After night with more then just 4 hours of sleep and three kittys visiting, we fed the horses with Maddie helping. Around 1 pm we went to town for christmas shopping. I found a few nice things ;) The roaming around in Walmart took a little bit time and so we had to rush home to be on time to feed the gang. And this time Maddie was helping again. She is sooo cute. Tonight is the eclipse, I hope to stay awake long enough to see it :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

in Edson again

I am in Edson since today. I took the bus from McBride to Edson last night. The bus was already 45 min too late coming from Prince George and in the end it was more then 1 hour too late. Finally, I made it to Edson at around 5.30 am. Arriving at the farm, all the kittys were excited and had to explore my backpack and suitcase. When I went to bed Cruiser, Mizzi and Bambam still explored my suitcase. And around 10.30 am someone was purring in my ear and miaued til I woke up. Cruiser... he thought I had enough sleep for now and have to get up... The next thing I did after breakfast was decorating cookies and the christmas tree. We visited a lot and soon it was time to feed the horses. I met little Maddie, a cute puppy, German shepard x bull mastif and something. She is full of energy and loves to play with Molly. I look forward to see her tomorrow again.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

another chapter comes to an end

It looks like my two weeks in Dunster are over soon. I really enjoyed my time here again. The mountains on both sides of the farm are great. The horses are funny :) but now it's time to move on again. Bucky and Fire feel better how it looks. Samy had something like a belly ache today, he kicked his belly, rolled on the ground and pawed... It was only for a short time, but you never know it can be over fast or just start. That's good..

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

no power

Another morning of snowing, this time not so much like the last time. And then nice sunny weather with some clouds. The air was fresh which I really like. Birgit left for Alberta again and so there is only Marc and me here. Around 9 am the power went out ! GREAT ! They couldn't fix it til 2pm which is really a shame ! I took the chance and was lazy :) I read and petted cats. Then went out to treat Fire's and Buck's legs, both are limping and their lower leg is warm... And soon it was feeding time again. The days here fly like crazy ! And in the evening I am sooo tired. Now, it's feeding time for me ;)

Monday, December 13, 2010

its christmas time

Another day went by in the Robson Valley. The time really flies here. I was busy making dough for more Grittibaenz and Mailaenderli, christmas cookies. Between two doughs I went for a walk in the pasture to check the fence. I even found a spot where the barb wire wasnt attached to the post anymore. So i took a hammer and a staple and fixed it. A 1 min job ! and back in the kitchen again. This time we cut the cookies. I really like the Canadian Maple leaf one.... ;) I guess I need to find one for me too ;D We didnt get more snow today which is good. For my taste there is enough ! Its pretty hard to clean corrals when its a lot of snow on the ground because every time when you pick up poop with the shovel, you also pick up a ton of snow. The result is a heavy wheel barrow!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

wind, snow and Heartland evening

The wind was howling and it was snowing in the morning. We got a few centimeters of snow. I had a hard time to find the manure in the corrals before i could clean it up. At 11 am a woman from Valemount, Jeanette, picked us up to go to Mcbride for a reading session of new books. Birgit was one of the writers who was invited to promote her book. We spent two hours there and I bought a few things. It is a craft and book store. They sell a lot of stuff from local people. After we bought food in a hurry we are home now. In 20 min it's feeding time again. More looking for poop... And at 7 pm it's Heartland time, yeah I look forward to that. Tonight it's a two hour session.

Friday, December 10, 2010

fresh horse on a trail ride

A new day again, started with feeding and cleaning corrals. After breakfast I copied a few recipes which sound really good :) As soon as I have the chance I will make them especially the pies and rolls :) Around 1 pm we went to catch three ponies to go for a trail ride. I rode Alberta again, Birgit rode Mojo and ponied Miho. Miho had a lot of energy and had a blast bucking and kicking, unfortunatly he kicked Mojo, but she was fine. She kicked him right back. Alberta was careful not to be too close to Mihos hind legs. Once she just could hurry to the side before Miho could swing his butt in our direction. So we had a good distance between him and us. There is one part where we usually trott or lope. Today with Miho acting up we trotted. Miho just started his stunts again in the trot ahead of us, when Madame Alberta tried to do the same... I could feel her butt go a bit in the air but she decided not to buck and continued to trott. Puuuuhhh ! I didnt wanna get thrown today ! After a loop in the field we came the same trail stretch again and trotted again here. This time Miho could behave like a normal horse and Alberta was trotting nice and slow. I guess all the horses were tired at this time of the ride. The snow on this field is pretty high, a bit higher then the fetlock. I would be tired after a 1 hour hike through this much snow too...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

feeding under the stars

It was snowing again today. This time wet and big flakes, that's the snow I don't like at all !! It's almost like it's raining. The horses were pretty wet, also my coat was wet after a short time. I took it easy today again. Feed horses in the morning, have a nice breakfast (cinnemon-raison bread, home made) and then fill water troughs, pet Shy the cat, read and feed again... almost a lazy day :) Birgit came back from Alberta today and helped me feeding in the evening. We fed the ponies under a pale moon and a few stars were out too.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

let it snow...

Today was a cloudy, windy day. Sometimes the mountains were totally covered with clouds. And soon snowflakes were falling... I really hope we don't get too much snow on the other side it would be a new experience to have snow to the knees everywhere ;) To be outside and work in the snow makes me tired, I am not used to that anymore. I remember when I was a kid we went to play in the snow and after that ready for bed ;) And now I am ready for bed after doing the morning feeding !! I am getting older... ! Well, I am just not in shape for this work. In the afternoon the snow fell even more and so I decided to stay in the house and read. I started Birgit's book of the Rescue of Belle and Sundance at Mount Renshaw. I already made it to chapter 7. I thought it is difficult to read for me but I was surprised that it only has a few words I don' t understand. :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

visit the neighbour's

Birgit went to Alberta today and so I am here with Marc, her husband. After feeding in the morning, Marc and I got two round bales from the pile and set it up for feeding in the evening. Then I went for a walk in the pasture to check the fence. It was around 11 am when I called Reg, Birgit's neighbour that I will come over for a visit. I also needed a new screw for my belt. I walked over there which took me around an hour today. The last time it was only around 40 min. I am really not in shape ;) We had a nice chat while we went to check the horses. Some are really nice and friendly. I had a few noses in my face ;) I had to be home at 4 pm to feed again. This time I did almost everything by myself, except forking hay and driving the quad. It is a hell of a work when you are not used to it ! I am sooo tired now !

Monday, December 6, 2010

windy day and a interesting discovery

After doing chores and making 'Grittibaenz' (which is a kind of bread we do at Christmas time) Birgit and I went for a trail ride. I rode Alberta again and Birgit Mojo. My funny missy wasn't so happy to go to work in the snow again, I imagine she has a bit sore muscles, poor girl. On the trail she was good, little impatient and spooky (cause of the wind). Then on our way back to the farm Mojo was spooking beside a tree on the ground. She did it before when we came from the other direction. I had no problems with Alberta there. For some reason I turned my head to see why Mojo was acting like that and there was a skeleton without a head hanging on the tree on the ground !! It must be an older skeleton cause all kind of gras was on it. We assumed it is a small dog or something. I guess Mo didn't like the smell of it even I am not sure if this is still smelling.... After this scene we made it home without any other issue.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

funny Alberta

Another chilly day here in Dunster. This time around - 15 degrees and wind. After a morning in the kitchen making granola we went for a bareback ride in the horse pasture again. Today, we went on a longer one in the hayfield. I rode Cody again. He didn`t like the wind and so tried to get home... I even stayed on when he trotted a few steps :) Yeah, bareback is not my favorite style of riding. Back in the pasture, the three of us grabbed Alberta, Buck and Mojo and went for a trail ride with saddle and briddle this time. ;) I really enjoyed the trail ride on the sunny winter day. On our way back we rode through a herd of cows and one cow was a little bit too close for Alberta`s taste so she pinned her ears at the cow :D I had to laugh !! I love Alberta she is soooo funny !! She looks like a teddy bear at the moment. ;) After we cleaned all the tack it was time to feed again. And another day went by...

back in Dunster BC

I am back in Dunster, BC since Friday morning. My friend Birgit asked me if I could help Marc with feeding horses while she is in Alberta for a few days. Marc has back problems. And since I dont have a job yet I said I will do that. I am not sure for how long it will be... yesterday we went for a short bareback ride in the pasture to check fences and afterwards on a trail ride. I rode Cody again. He was a little bit sore looks like he has a bruise on the one hind foot. So we took it easy in the lope. It was great to ride a horse in the snow again... I love it (with the right horse) ;) And today I have sore legs and i can feel my butt ! :( Oh well... it only strenghens all my muscles also doing chores is a good work out. Yeah, to work in the snow takes a lot of energy. I was soooo tired last night, unbelievable. Now off in the kitchen to make granola !!