Wednesday, February 16, 2011

first ride on Ben

It's already middle of Feburary, soon is my birthday. A lot happend here, work and private, good and bad... I rode Ben yesterday after work. He thought it's not time for work now (around 5pm) it's supper time. So, I had a hard time to catch him first. And his friends were not helping at all, running with him. I put hay for them on the ground and could come close to Ben, first with halter then without and in the end with only a rope and then it was no problem to catch him. Brat !!! Project : catching. I only rode him around 20 min 'cause he is not in shape. The first rounds were pretty nice, he tried to figure me out ;), that's good i tried the same. Then the fun started when he threw his hissyfits like cro hopping, back up and try to lift his butt or get light on the forehand. I saw that before, Alberta can that pretty good too. ;D The next time I will lunge him first and we need to change his work ethic. Now, I have time to work with Ben. And I will do massage on his back too, it's pretty tense.

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