Saturday, February 5, 2011

snow mobile ride on a day off

It's my day off again. I am at Charlene's place for a change again. It's just snowing like crazy at the moment, with wind. Almost a blizzard according to Rob. It's hard to see down to the field where the horses are. The flurries are big one time then small again.... Yesterday it was windy and raining and today a snow storm... The temperature is 0 degrees. This is Alberta weather. :) I wonder how it will continue. There was one horse on the other side of the fence where it shouldn't be. So, Rob, Marc and I hopped on snowmobiles and drove down there to check. Holy, there is around 60cm of snow on this field !! It was a bumpy ride. After we got the horse back in the field where it belongs, we took a different way to go home. It was on the other side of the fence (where the horse was) and went for a little snowmobile ride. It was my second one. Unfortunately, the snow is wet and deep so Marc and I got stuck twice. :( I ended up with shoes full of snow, wet pants and socks, I didn't come prepared for a snowmobile ride. :) That's part of the fun. After we came home again, I had change my cloths. Unfortunately, my shoulder was hurting like crazy after I was back in the house again. :( I couldn't turn my head to the right, move my arm or lean on a chair. Just nasty !!! So I tried to move as less as I can which wasn't the best idea. The less I moved the more it hurt. Now, I am home and after a hot shower and put some cooling / hot gel on it's not too bad. I just hope I will have a short and sweet night check so I can go to bed.

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