Wednesday, February 2, 2011

sore neck :(

It's already Febuary ! I can't believe it. Soon is my birthday :) My first birthday away from home ;) I woke up this morning with a stiff neck on the right side ! Awesome !!! That's what I really needed !!! So I went to work and it went not too bad, the feeding, cleaning stalls, turning out horses,... well, here was the problem. The one horse, no both have no idea about space ! So all I do when I lead them out in the paddock is checking left and right that they keep the spot I give them. And these two have no idea how to go through a gate properly. All they wanna do is pushing through as fast as they can. Not with me, guys ! We reached the gate before their pasture starts and I wanted to open it, of course the two horses were all over the place. And as soon as you open the gate they just plow through doesn't matter if you're there or not. So, I was fighting with them to stay back and the one horse was just fooling around and pulled too much on my right arm and of course it hurt like crazy... Here I am, two horrible horses on the ground and me with a sore shoulder ! After this, my shoulder was just one big hard knot and hurt like crazy. And now a headache sneaks up too. I hope my night check will be short and sweet so I can go to bed. That would be cool.

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