Friday, April 16, 2010

first round pen sesson

A sunny day, a nice breeze, spring is here. I fixed the second fence on the other stud pen. When I was outside with the hammer and wire two geese and a crane flew over. My first crane this year. I had the chance to work with Little Spot (2 years old) in the round pen for a while. He did good for the first time. It was good to see him focus on me even there were other horses, stallions, birds, cats, dogs... around. I was the first person beside Linda who ever put a halter on him so he was not so sure about this whole action. After a while he was okay with me putting the halter on his head. I look forward to work with junior again. In the evening the coyotes were singing again and the dogs answering. It sounded so... free. I wonder how it will be to hear a wolf howl...

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