Sunday, September 26, 2010

a mouse stuck to a pad

Sunday... At 2 am I heared a noise in the kitchen, fricking mice again !!! They had another party in my house last night ! I put the sticky pad left and right beside the fridge last night. And it seems that one mouse got stuck on the one pad and could manage to walk away with the pad !!! When I went to check last night the pad on the left side was gone. How did this mouse manage to walk away with the pad...Well, I didn`t check under the fridge at 2 am. I postponed this :) Later, when I pulled the fridge forward i didn`t find the pad or the mouse !! Maybe it`s stuck somewhere under the fridge... Mary is getting better. She really enjoyed the brushing and scratching of her bum today. Poor girl never had a human friend in her life ! Mary is still a bit spooky especially when you move the hand a bit fast. In the stall she moves to the side more quiet too. We`re getting there soon. We weaned the last two foals today which means a lot of screaming again. Poor little things :(

Friday, September 24, 2010

back to work

Back to work today after two days off. No problem ! The weather was sunny again today. We weaned another two foals, poor little things are crying for their mom :( but that`s how life goes... Marco went to pick up some more round bales and I was alone with the two dogs. Marco gives me a few job to do while he is gone. So this time I had to put shavings in the boxstalls from the one barn, clean Mary`s stall and two other ones. And in the afternoon I raked the fresh shavings from the walls in the middle of the room. The next thing is fill up oats, my favourite thing to do at the moment !!! I have to back up the ATV and the trailer in the main barn and then around the corner where the mill is. Once I was trying for 30 min without getting in the right position and today it only took 15 min and it was good :) yeah, sometimes you only have to bitch around and it works ;D my last thing to do before supper is seeing the kittys and let them out in the barn to roam around.

another day off, visit with a friend

It was my second day off yesterday. We had to bring home Mary from the track. This is the horse I took care of when I was working at the track. Somehow she broke a bone in her carpal joint. The joint is pretty swollen ! She needs to stay in the stall which she really does not like at all ;) I spent the day in Edmonton yesterday with my friend Jim. I guess I never talked about him. I met him at the track. He is an exercise rider, unfortunatly he had an accident and broke an ankle last year. So this year he works as a groom. When I was still working at the track we did a few things together and get to know each other better and better. So we were hanging around together yesterday, talking, walking along the river, have lunch together... it was a nice day. i really enjoyed it. At around 3pm Marco picked me up again. It was nice sunny weather better then the last few days. I really hope the weather will be like that for a few days.

Monday, September 20, 2010

rain, rain, rain and back up problems...

Today is only one huge grey cloud hanging in the sky. YUCK !! It`s raining and raining.... puddles everywhere. What happend to the nice fall weather ! I really miss the fog on the ground in the morning, the sun comes up slowly and warms up everything. At least it`s not snowing yet like it already did in some areas. The foals doing good so far, there is not so much screaming going on anymore, the moms stopped to pace along the fence. Maybe they will enjoy their time together now ;) In a few days we will separate two more foals. I am pretty pissed off with the atv and the trailer !! I tried for 30 min to back up this shitty thing today. It didn`t work at all and my boss was disappeard so I skipped that and went feeding without filling up the grain. So I guess I will have to do it in the morning then !!! GREAT !!! But maybe I will have some more patience then. The kittys are getting better. When I call them they come and I have to pet them. I started to bring them food from time to time :) `cause soon they will get the deworming pill.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

weaning time and two tomcats

Another nice morning today even it was pretty chilly and frost was on the grass. I love frost on the grass !!! It shows fall is here and soon winter. Well, I don`t like winter so much.... We separated three mares from their foals today. It`s weaning time. The mares and the foals are screaming... poor guys !! But this is life, the foals need to find their place in the herd now. Soon they will have a lot of fun with each other. ;) My other project is the cats. I already put a litter box in their appartement and they use it. Only one time they pooped behind the sofa. GRRRRRR !!! I told them this is not acceptable anymore. The one tomcat is a tiger and his brother is red and white. It looks like they had a huge fight `cause on the floor in the kitchen were bloody cat paws :( So I tried to figure out which one is hurt... It`s not so easy `cause the tiger is shy... The next thing would be to fix and deworm them. I brought a bit of a hotdog sausage for the kittys. First they were not sure if this is eatable but then both asked for more ;) I will bring them some more tomorrow. The red and white one, I can`t remember his name, was laying in my lab and purred and purred... so cute. I really hope the vet will come soon and fix them. He also has to come and fix the colts. As soon as they are fixed they can go for training. Let`s see what tomorrow will bring...

Friday, September 17, 2010

an easy day

A nice and sunny day today. The morning was pretty chilly but a beautiful sun rise. Oh how I wish to be in the mountains now... ;) Oh well, I am fine here too. Yeah, looks like fall is really here now. The geese are still around but they will fly away soon I guess. We took the colts in the barn today again, they are getting better with the leading. No one ran away today. There is the one big boy he loves to play the catching game... But Marco caught him and then he had to go inside the barn too. A 1/2 hour later we led them outside again and turned them lose in the paddock. Before noon we got ready to go shopping again. Marco needed to change the oil on the truck. So he dropped me off at the one kinda mall in Leduc and picked me up when he was done with his stuff. We came home and I fed the horses. We did a few things today... well, sometimes you need take it easy ;)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

fall is here and a day of shopping

Fall is here, we have fog on the ground in the morning and the geese are gathering to fly south. It`s pretty chilly now too. The horses will get their winter coat soon. The leaves are getting yellow or red. I love this time of year !! It is still not winter yet but also not summer anymore and the bugs are almost gone too. ;) We are busy walking with the foals, get them used to beeing led, also the yearlings need to get worked, well we walk them too in the barn. Soon we will seperate the foals from their moms. Poor babys !! :( That`s life ! I went for shopping today. Marco, my boss needed to do some stuff in Edmonton and so he dropped me off in Leduc at the mall. I bought a few things and sure a lot of grocerys. It was needed !! :) Now I can cook again.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

a sad day

One of the foals died today. It was bleeding inside the body for some reason. It was peeing or pooping blood. We have no idea why... the vet not even know.... I am sooo sad, she was not even one year old... I really hope she didn`t suffer too much pain. I feel so sorry for baby animals when they are sick and especially when they are dying. I had to help to get the dead body out of the boxstall... holy it was hard to see it just lay on the ground - dead !!! It was already stiff when I got in the barn. Good thing I wasn`t in the barn when it died. I was feeding the other horses. Call me a coward but this is the part where it is just too much for me !!! I can`t see a horse or other animal die. I wouldn`t be a good hunter !!! I am feeling so sad and cold inside now. Poor little filly... but I guess it was just not meant to live... Her mom is now crying in a paddock, I am not sure if she is looking for her foal or the rest of the herd. Maybe both... Even I didn`t know this foal since a long time I feel sooo sorry for it. It is just one sad day today.... I hope it`s feeling better now where ever it is.... !!! Rest in peace, filly !!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

bye track, hi farm and chuckwagon

I am in Calmar, Alberta now since last Friday. The farm is nice and quiet what I really love. The track was a good experience but not it`s time for something new. My boss Marco is a funny guy we have so much fun together. There is a few work to do at the moment and the days are easy not so much running. We are done around 5 pm which is nice so I can cook my supper and eat at a decent time.... Unfortunatly, in my trailer live a bunch of mice. They poop everywhere... gross !!! I still need to vaccume the whole house. My home is nice and big, I have three bedrooms, a living room and a huge porch. Pretty big for just one person.... I still don`t know for how long this job will be, would be intresting if it would be over the winter... I need to ask Rick, the owner of the farm. Today we moved the mares, colts and fillys to other paddocks. The mares have good basic ground work manners, the colts and fillys not so... they just need more work. I am done for today and will enjoy my evening. Yesterday Marco, Constanza and me went to the track in Edmonton to watch the chuckwagon races. It`s almost more fun then the normal races. :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

another change, chuckwagons at the track

It's my day off today, it was great to sleep til 8 am. I really needed it. I was almost passed out. :D I will leave tomorrow for the farm. I will go with a laughing and a crying eye. ;D I really liked it here, I learned a lot, good and bad things... that's what you always do in life. The chuckwagons are here now, they have a 4 day meeting and races here at the track. I really hope I can make it to watch the races tonight. It would be awesome to see this live. I will go to the West Edmonton Mall for shopping. I need a few warm cloths for the winter. The weather is sunny today, just a bit windy but nothing what my rain coat not would manage. I also need to take a few pic from the horses and the chuckwagons. Exciting !! :)