Tuesday, September 14, 2010

fall is here and a day of shopping

Fall is here, we have fog on the ground in the morning and the geese are gathering to fly south. It`s pretty chilly now too. The horses will get their winter coat soon. The leaves are getting yellow or red. I love this time of year !! It is still not winter yet but also not summer anymore and the bugs are almost gone too. ;) We are busy walking with the foals, get them used to beeing led, also the yearlings need to get worked, well we walk them too in the barn. Soon we will seperate the foals from their moms. Poor babys !! :( That`s life ! I went for shopping today. Marco, my boss needed to do some stuff in Edmonton and so he dropped me off in Leduc at the mall. I bought a few things and sure a lot of grocerys. It was needed !! :) Now I can cook again.

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