Thursday, May 26, 2011

off after 5 days of work

After 5 days of work (I will get the one day off in June) I am finally off again. It just sucks all the energy out of you when you shovel shit for that amount of time !!! I was just exhausted ! (I wonder how I feel when I will work 8 (!) days in a row in July). And it didn't help at all that I didn't sleep good the night before. So I am back in Winfield to charge my batteries. Last night I just slept like a rock, i was out like a light and this morning up at 8 am. Yesterday evening, Rob and I went for a few little job outside. Moving horses to other pens, putting a temporary fence up on the one pen, chasing two horses which out of a pasture where they didn't belong and went for a quad ride in the bush to have a look where the two covered bridges will be. It was pretty muddy after all the rain we had. My pants and coat was just a mess.... But the rain was needed badly !! Oh well, mud is part of spring here I would say.

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