Thursday, May 26, 2011

deworming day

Today, was quite the grey cloudy day, it was also spitting a bit from time to time. There was even the sun shining a tiny little bit on some point of the day. After a lazy morning with chatting and figure out what to do today, we went out in the pasture to catch the members of the big herd. These guys needed to be dewormed. Some of the horses were pretty good and we could catch them pretty fast, others needed a bit more talking them into the idea of getting caught. The one youngster had an argument with Rob about beeing handled. And soon the horses around them had little fits too. I was standing beside the truck where one of the youngster was tied up and watched Duke rearing. This was quiet an impressive picture 'cause Duke is a draft horse, a Percheron (?) I guess. He was standing pretty good balanced on his hindlegs... Wow !! Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me :( and he was tied to the jail ! We dewormed almost everyone except a couple which thought they play 'hard to catch'. It was fun but it also took a lot of energy out of me. I was just tired after we were done. Rob had to buy staples in town and so we took off to Breton. I took the chance to buy groceries.

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