Monday, May 16, 2011

Fairview road trip

Time for a road trip to Fairview on Sat. May 14. Our day started early, Robin and I left the farm at 6.30 am and headed toward Thorsby to pick up our first group of heifers. 11 girls. After a not so well organized load process we were on the road again to pick up the second group, this time 16 black girls. This farmer had a better set up to load cattle. A basset hound was there too. He was so excited to meet me, he was jumping up on me and I had to pet him. This guy has class (like Robin would say :D ) I helped to get the girls unstuck again in the shoot. Sometimes, a traffic jam happens when one cow / calf hits the breaks... Everyone went in the trailer well and soon we were on our way again. Our next stop was in Barrhead to have breakfast and put gas in the truck. I really enjoyed the drive it was great so see all the different countryside, bush and then prairie, bush again and prairie. I really liked the pine trees on the hill after Swan hills. It would be great to go for a trail ride over there. Robin told me it would look like that in the mountains where we will go for our holidays in June. Robin and I had a good time, laughing, serious talks, jokes and bugging each other.... After an 8 hour drive we reached the final destination where the girls will live. It was outside of Fairview. We drove the truck right in the pasture where we unloaded the girls. There was already a big gang of heifers in there. As soon as they saw the semi truck they came running up to us. I only thought, you guys are sooooo snoopy !! :D It was time to unload and so we opened the door and the heifers jumped in their new environment. Some joined the foreign group and others took off for a exploring tour in the pasture. it was so funny. After a business talk (Robin and the owner) we hit the road again towards home. It was around 5 pm. Now, we could take it easy and thats what we did. We stopped for ice cream at a gas station. It was still really hot in the semi. Our way home was different then our way up. We did a loop. On an intersection were we had to turn left was a sign saying to the right ' Border Northwest Territories'. I suggested we could go right instead of left... :D Robin said this would be another 10 hour drive... well it was tempting anyway :D I had a blast taking pictures... I was still so excited and not a bit tired. Around 8 pm we reached Whitecourt and decided to have supper here. First, we put gas in the truck again and then we figured out where to eat. An hour later and totally full we climbed in the truck again and hit the road. The sun slowly disappearing and I tried to take a picture of the sunset in the mirror. Not too bad of a shot ;D Soon the darkness came and with that the sleep (well I slept...).The next time i woke up was when we were stopping at the gate at home. I was a bit confused 'cause I thought I only slept for around 10 min... it was for 40 min ! It was 11.30 pm when we finally walked in the house. Both of us were ready for bed.

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