Saturday, May 28, 2011

rodeo stock on the way to Edson

Now is the time of the pasture hauls and also rodeo season. This means a trucking business is very busy ! And of course it means for me to grab the chance to see more from the country :) That's what I did yesterday again. This time we went to Edson. Robin picked me up in Winfield town and then headed over to pick up rodeo stock (11 horses and 11 bulls) outside Winfield. We had to wait a bit till the owner showed up he had to look for a horse out in the pasture. I was waiting in the truck and suddenly there is this horse running in the yard. With the horse also came the owner driving in the yard. So, everybody was ready to load. After everybody was on board we hit the road toward Edson. The weather wasn't too bad, a bit grey clouds, a bit rain from time to time and nice temperatures. Like always, we had a good time ;D I enjoyed the drive even I already knew the route. After we dropped off the animals at the rodeo ground we went to town 'cause I needed a new cell phone... my old one died ! Around an hour later we jumped back in the truck and headed in the direction of Entwistle where we enjoyed a nice supper. We both were tired and so decided to go home. I had to go back to the barn in the evening anyway.

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