Saturday, May 21, 2011

a full day

Saturday, my day off and yeah, I am pretty busy already again. In the morning we took off to Drayton Valley to drop off a tractor tire to fix it and in the meantime we went grocery shopping. We were all done with shopping but the tire wasn`t fixed yet so we headed over to the chinese restaurant for lunch. It was good like always... then finally the tire was fixed and we could hit the road again to reach our next stop, the auction place. We checked out the stuff which was for sale. Nice trucks, play grounds, power posts, boats, tractor, you name it... everything you want... around 20 min later we jumped in the truck again and took off to our next destination, home. Where Robin and I changed into the big semi truck to go on a horse haul. We had to pick up bucking horses to bring them to the rodeo ground in Thorsby. I was so excited ! And so curious how you can load bucking horses in a trailer... ! Easy ! Open the door and let `em run in... these guys knew what`s going on. They were up in the trailer, in the compartment and arranged themself so they could travel without any problems. I was impressed ! These are not handled horses, almost wild. And they loaded like aces !! We picked up 25 and off we go to Thorsby. The unloading part was way more quiet then the loading part. Open the door and here they come.... WOW !! Now, next stop a cow farm to pick up a load of cows to bring them to their summer pasture. They have a basset hound. He is a real cow dog !! :) This time he was tied up (I met him the first time when we picked up the heifers for the trip to Fairview). I think this dog has sooo much class. Also, no problems with loading, all pro`s :) around 15 min later we reached the pasture, unfortunately full of mosquitos ! I prefered to stay in the truck and have some m&m`s for a snack ;D All unloaded and ready to head home. It was soooo hot in the truck that we needed an ice cream badly ! A detour later we were eating our ice cream sandwich and having a nice chat. Finally, home it' wasn't time to be lazy yet, next project put the fixed tire on the tractor and go fencing in the bush. I was driving the tractor, a loud old thing. I had some problems to drive that thing but after a while it wasn't too bad at all. Robin checked the posts and I followed with tractor and post pounder. It was soooo peaceful, the only noise came from the tractor. I really enjoyed to be in the bush. I just love it !

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