Thursday, March 31, 2011

horse auction rimbey

Yesterday was the horse auction in Rimbey. I went there with Rob and Charlene. When we arrived there it was still tack sale which wasnt so interesting. So, we went outside to have a look at the horses in the corrals. There were miniture donkey, - ponys, tall and smaller horses, a Clydesdale or a shire horse, a mare and her 2 week old foal and two mules. A colorful mix. Some looked pretty sad, poor things. Finally, at around 9 pm the horse sale started. We only watched 4 horses. It was intersting and also not that interesting. After a short time when I was there I made up my decision that this would be the last step if I ever want to sell my horse. You have no idea who buys your horse and you as a buyer have no idea what you bring in your barn.... It`s like a game, you have 50 % the chance to win !!! Well, it was a good experience, I don`t regret that i went.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

work with Ben

After two relaxing days off I was back to work on Tuesday again. It wasnt too bad... We were done at 4.30 pm. And I worked with Ben today again. It was pretty busy in the arena !! I dont like it when its like in a bee house !!! We managed to get in the arena when only one other horse was in there. The stuff from the dressage day was still standing and so we went for a walk along the rail, passed scary (!) stands with letters and the judges desk. He tried to race backwards first but when I told him to have a look at this stuff he got brave and put his nose right in the fake flowers. After a few rounds in the dressage ring he calmed down and so we could go to work. We repeated what we did the last time and then added a `sort of`lunging. Left side was pretty good, the right side needs still more work. Ben still wants to back up or fly backwards and face up. I am not sure how other people worked with him before, all I can see is a afraid horse which always expect to get a punishment. I keep working with him and soon he will see the difference :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

yeah ! off

After a 5 days on work- week i am finally off for 2 days again. What a week !!! Headaches 'cause of people, good work session with Ben, horses full of themself while you lead them, hurry here and there,... I am glad to have a break now. Now, i can enjoy my days here at the farm in Winfield and just relax. I helped shovel snow in front of the saddle shop /church yesterday in the evening. There were no stars :( it's such a long time ago since I saw the stars, the moon or the sun... Here are only grey clouds, and even more grey clouds. I really hope there won't be more snow. It's suppost to be plus 14 on Thursday which means it will melt like crazy and i am positive that we will get more ice too. YEAH !!! GREAT !! We already have a layer of ice which is around 5cm. But that's i guess what you get when spring takes over bit by bit. All I want is sunshine at the moment. Good thing, I didnt put my winter gear away yet.

Friday, March 25, 2011

good in-hand sesson

Its already work day 4 which means one more to go and then.... 2 days off again !!!! :) I worked with Ben today again. We did in-hand leading and he wore the TTEAM-Bandage to give him a feeling for his body. He was fine wearing the bandage and was not so freaky anymore. I love this bandage !!! I lead him from both sides and started to prepare him for lunging by staying not at his shoulder instead behind his shoulder when I lead him. He was a bit worried first but when i told him that he does fine he was good. We make progress every time we work ;) So, we keep going with what we are doing and soon I can lunge him the way I want. As soon as he is not that worried anymore I will ride him again. I look forward to that. It wont take long and we will have good rides ;D

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

massage for Ben

This week I work 5 days instead of 4. One of my coworkers asked me if I would change my days off so she can have off on Saturday. I said yes, but I want off on two days in a row... and so I am off on Sunday and Monday again. Oh well.. I will survive this one more day. It`s already Thursday tomorrow. Nothing new from work, all the same. I gave a massage to Ben yesterday which he really liked. Poor guy, he has so many tense muscles all over the body. I didn`t work on this butt yet, started in the front. We have a lot of work to do !! I believe a combination of massage, acupressure, lunging and riding could help him. Maybe he also needs a chiropractor... we`ll see. It was pretty busy in the arena today and so I decided to visit Ben in the pasture and check on him. He wasn`t sure what he should think when I put the halter on him and did acupressure :D He really enjoyed the treatment of Bl 10 behind the ears. Ben closed his eyes ;) I hope to work with him tomorrow again and hopefully there are not so many people in the arena. I don`t like when it`s so crowded, some people have a hard time to look where they ride !!

Monday, March 21, 2011

angus bull sale

Rob and I went to a shorthorn and angus bull auction today. It was like the other farm auctions I was before, I mean how it works on an auction. It was my first bull auction. There were a lot nice and quiet bulls and a few were a bit nervous and hyper. We were there for around 2 1/2 hours, got a good meal incl. dessert :) Of course I had to try the dessert ;) When all the animals were sold we headed for Breton to buy food and stopped in the bakery/cafe where Krista works to say hi. I was never in this bakery. It's a nice little spot where people can meet.

impressive night shift

Saturday evening, I went to Winfield again, my weekend home. And it started full speed. There was something wrong with the one cow. She showed signs of deliver her baby, which is at least 2 weeks too early. We kept an eye on her and around 11.30 or so we went to bed and Rob checked on the cow. I was in bed only for a few minutes when Rob knocked on my door to ask me help him move the cow in a different pen. I got dressed and off we go to move the cow. After Rob put a bale of straw in the pen we went back to the house and go to bed... I was in bed around 30 min when Rob knocked on my door to ask me help move the cow in the shoot this time. The calf was hanging out of the cows rear. Okay, I got dressed again, this time warmer then the last time cause the nights are still frosty and it was windy too. Good thing, I brought my ski pants with me. I took my flash light, toque and gloves and out we go to find the cow and people in the dark. I found them but had no idea how to go to this pen.... Charlene and I went over the fence and a deep snow bank. Finally, we managed to get to the scene. The calf s head and one foot were hanging out of the cow and Rob was searching for the second foot. Poor baby, it looked dead, his tongue was hanging out of this mouth and his eyes were closed. I asked if it is still alive or not. This poor little thing got stuck with his leg somewhere. Rob worked hard to get the leg forward so he could pull it out. It was a small baby, too small. The umbilical cord was broken. It must get hung up with the leg in the cord and cut the connection to mom. Poor baby died. :( It was a cute calf. Mom got released from the shoot, she backed out of it, turned and went for a drink and back in her pen. She not even looked at the dead calf. I guess she not even knew that it was her baby which gave her this belly aches. It was just not the time yet to deliver... I think this is amazing how animals know when it`s time or not ! And then when it`s time and the cow knows there has to be a little creature which needs to take care of and something like that happens they are sad and look for it... This night was so impressive, I wouldn`t want to miss it. It wasn`t important that I went to bed at 1 am.

hunter show

On Saturday was a big event at Double W again, a hunter show. I had no idea what hunter-jumping is... so I found someone who explained it to me. It is jumping over low fences, around 2 feets or so and you don't get point like in the 'real' jumping competition you get judged for how well the horse jumps and how you sit on the horse. There were different classes (hunter under saddle, hunter seat,....) unfortunately, I couldn't see any difference between the classes ! It was a bit confusing. Maybe one day I will understand the difference. And Saturday was the last day of work anyway so i was thrilled when i was done at 4.15 pm ! :) That meant that my weekend starts at 4.16 pm :D I took off to the house to get ready for my 'relocation' :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

another load of snow... boring !!!

Second day of work... Unfortunately, it was snowing last night and today again. We got between 5 and 7 cm. :( It's wet snow and it was melting already. So, I guess we will get rid of that stuff pretty fast ;) Finally, I worked with Ben today again. We repeated the in-hand leading part. He was so worried all the time to get in trouble. I am not so sure what happend in his past that he is so worried all the time. He was flying backwards when I wanted to lead him on the right side. But we handled the issue and he learned fast what i wanted. Still, he can't relax at all. Poor boy ! I guess he never learned that he can relax around human !! So, I guess we will work on that too. We also moved shoulders today which went pretty good. After my days off we will work more together.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

a short night and back to work again

Yesterday, I joined Rob on a cattle haul in the evening and he dropped me off at the barn afterwards. The loading part took longer then expected cause one of the calves didn't want to get on the trailer. So, it was too late to buy food but it wasn't that necessary yet, I will survive till my next days off ;) We bought supper at Wendy's and enjoyed it on the trip to Bluffton. We had a good time which I really enjoyed. I love my days off where I can dip into a totally different lifestyle and just enjoy it. I realized that I need this on my days off. It is sooooo relaxing ;D It was around 11.30 pm when I finally fell in my bed. I had to do night check last night. So, the night was a bit short with only 6 hours of sleep. I can handle one night like that, no problem.... but today I will be in bed the latest at 10 pm !!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

baby bison haul

Today, I joined Rob on a bison haul. We headed up to Neerlandia close to Barrhead to pick up 47 baby bisons. It was interesting to see the facility where they were waiting to get loaded in the trailer. These guys are wild animals that was good to see. They were staring at me when I was looking in the corral. The bison babys were cute and crazy !! These guys were running sometimes right into a wall... !! And a lot of them had blood on them `cause they were fighting with each other... Well, I guess no one should forget that these animals are still wild even they are in a fenced pasture ! The farm where we dropped the babys off had a good unload facility. The bisons come out of the trailer in a shoot and in a covered area were they get their vaccination and ear tags and then released in a corral outside the covered area. And also here, some of these crazy little one's ran head first in the iron walls of the shoot... It was very impressive when you see that...

sign of spring and a relaxing day

My days off again. I am in Winfield and it's melting pretty good now. We had plus 8 degrees again. :) Looks like spring is getting here slowly which I really like... just not the mud everywhere :( The days are getting longer which is also good. We went for a drive down to the hay field to pick up Marc. It was nice to see the sunshine, all the snow... and a moose ! And this time I had my camera with me :) In the afternoon we loaded cubes in the tractor and took off to the pasture to feed and deworm horses. Charlene and I were visiting and seeing the horses, take our time... Unfortunately, the one mare were choking cause of the cubes. This happens sometime when the horse is eating too fast and the dry cubes are getting stuck in the throat. So we tried to make her swallow by stroking down her throat. It worked good and she good better. We took her up to the water tank and put water on her cubes so it's easier for her to eat them. Poor girl ! Soon, a lot of horses figured out that we still have goodies and so they joined us at the water tank. After deworming 3 horses and giving hay to the old horses we headed for the house again. We enjoyed this nice quiet day...

Friday, March 11, 2011

jump night

It's 'Jumping Night' tonight. This means everyone can come with the horse, pay a fee and then go a round on the jumping course. The jumps are all fancy and nice decorated with flowers, really pretty. I am not gonna jump, I am not much of a jumper and never really liked jumping when we had to in the riding lesson. I understand that it's good for the horse to do gymnastic... still not for me. And by the way I don't have a horse anyway. I wouldn't dare to jump Ben with his wrecked back... That's alright, I prefer dressage anyway. Unfortunately, it's pretty hard to find a good dressage coach these days... I just can't support someone who wants to teach me to ride my horse behind the bit, No thanks !

Thursday, March 10, 2011

deworming cows - plus 8 degrees

Yesterday, was big deworming day. We dewormed the cows. Everyone who was there and available was helping. We were 5 bodys to help. I got a carrot stick and was sent to walk around the cow herd to make them move up to the corral where the shoot was. Then, when the whole herd was up on the little hill we chased them to the corral with the shoot. My job was now to put two posts in behind the last cow so they cant go backwards and escape. And when the deworming stuff was on their back, take the posts out so the next group can come in. It was fun and I really enjoyed this kind of work. I even had the chance to pet a bull ;) He wasnt so happy about it and walked away ;D The best thing was the warm (!) weather. Even the kittys were enjoying the nice weather, they were everywhere even in the cow pen :D It was plus 8 degrees when we were outside and worked with the cows but soon the temperature started to drop and clouds were coming in too :( It was just to show us how it could be when it would be spring... Winter is not giving up yet...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

day off again

It's my first day off again. We work 4 days on/ 2 days off. I am in Winfield again to relax and enjoy my days off, have fun... Today we went to Wetaskiwin again, it's the third time I was in this town now. It's a neat town, not as big as Red Deer but still a lot of interesting stores. I did a few things which needed to be done... When I was at the farm again I laid low and was reading for a couple of hours. I really enjoyed it and missed it. It was a long time ago since I was sitting down and read... There is a kitty, one of the Reggie's laying behind me and put his claws in my back, just a little bit ;) and when I reach back to pet him he purrs and purrs... ;) Time for bed I would say.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

a nice chilly day

One more day of work and then 2 days off again !!! I guess I like this 4 days on, 2 days off work.... well, the best thing would be the other way round ;D 4 days of shoveling shit is a lot ! On day 3 I am usually tired and day 4 is the worst... Today (day 3) I was totally tired even I had a good night under the circumstances I am in with this flu/cold thing going on. It took a aweful long time to put new shavings in 6 stalls and sweep afterwards. I thought I won't be done in a reasonable time. And it didnt help that I was hungry. It was a nice sunny, chilly day, well it was only - 15 degrees. A nice sunrise.... unfortunately I didnt have my camera with me. Well, it even took a long time to feed the horses outside this morning but I made it ;) Now, I am tired and I almost cant keep my eyes open... I hope to sleep good tonight without all this stupid dreams all the time.... Mavis is on a diet now, poor kitty but she really is a bit too fat. She follows me everywhere in the barn, helps me feeding hay (she sits on the hay bale and chases the baler twine when I cut open an new bale). Mavis the queen of the barn :D

Friday, March 4, 2011


First work day after my days off. It was nothing special, routine ! The weather was a bit warmer, only - 15 degrees. I had to lead Jake, one of the Quarter horses, out in the paddock. He is a bit 'crazy' that's the reason everyone is leading him with a chain around the nose. He wanted to bolt a few times but didn't get away with it. Jake had a bit too much energy ;D. As soon as he was out in the paddock and loose he was just doing loops, kicking, bucking and snorting.... He had a good time. ;D Jake is a brat ! Hours later, when he had to come in the barn again he was good.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

first sign of spring ??

I saw a first sign of spring the other day just in the one corner at Double W, buds on a bush. :) And now at Charlenes place I saw another sign of spring ;) I really hope it will be spring soon, I am sick of winter now ! On the radio they said the other day that it will be a late and cold spring :( Its march and this is suppost to be the first month of spring.... maybe not here ?! I guess I just have to be patient and wait for more signs of spring like the cranes or geese ;)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

new temperature record

It was minus 36 degrees (with wind chill minus 46) yesterday and I had to feed outside. It was a little bit chilly ;) So one of my coworkers and me loaded the gator (a little car with a box) with square bales and fed as fast as we could. It was too cold to bring even the warmbloods out and so we saved time and could start cleaning stall pretty early. We were done around noon with all the stalls except the two in the shop barn. I went over to clean up the mess and take the water buckets over in the big barn. It was time to pack my stuff in the lunch break 'cause my friend Erin picked me up after work. I really hoped to be done between 4 and 5 pm and not at 5.30 pm like the day before !!!! This day was just brutal !!! I was done at 4.30 pm ! :D Now, off we go to my room to pick up my stuff and wait for Erin. I am off for 2 days again. (we have a new work schedule- 4 days work / 2 days off). I like the 'off part' pretty good :D