Monday, March 21, 2011

impressive night shift

Saturday evening, I went to Winfield again, my weekend home. And it started full speed. There was something wrong with the one cow. She showed signs of deliver her baby, which is at least 2 weeks too early. We kept an eye on her and around 11.30 or so we went to bed and Rob checked on the cow. I was in bed only for a few minutes when Rob knocked on my door to ask me help him move the cow in a different pen. I got dressed and off we go to move the cow. After Rob put a bale of straw in the pen we went back to the house and go to bed... I was in bed around 30 min when Rob knocked on my door to ask me help move the cow in the shoot this time. The calf was hanging out of the cows rear. Okay, I got dressed again, this time warmer then the last time cause the nights are still frosty and it was windy too. Good thing, I brought my ski pants with me. I took my flash light, toque and gloves and out we go to find the cow and people in the dark. I found them but had no idea how to go to this pen.... Charlene and I went over the fence and a deep snow bank. Finally, we managed to get to the scene. The calf s head and one foot were hanging out of the cow and Rob was searching for the second foot. Poor baby, it looked dead, his tongue was hanging out of this mouth and his eyes were closed. I asked if it is still alive or not. This poor little thing got stuck with his leg somewhere. Rob worked hard to get the leg forward so he could pull it out. It was a small baby, too small. The umbilical cord was broken. It must get hung up with the leg in the cord and cut the connection to mom. Poor baby died. :( It was a cute calf. Mom got released from the shoot, she backed out of it, turned and went for a drink and back in her pen. She not even looked at the dead calf. I guess she not even knew that it was her baby which gave her this belly aches. It was just not the time yet to deliver... I think this is amazing how animals know when it`s time or not ! And then when it`s time and the cow knows there has to be a little creature which needs to take care of and something like that happens they are sad and look for it... This night was so impressive, I wouldn`t want to miss it. It wasn`t important that I went to bed at 1 am.

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