Wednesday, June 2, 2010

another pleasure trail ride...

It is the day after my adventure trail ride. I didn't sleep well last night, always saw this dead animal... I don't know why this bugs me so much, maybe 'cause there is this unvisible danger out there and we don't know when we will meet it ? It is not that I am afraid now, but you check twice when you come around a corner. Today when I came back from the 1 1/2 hour ride we heard Rachel calling in to tell Lynda there is a fresh killed animal close to the picnic area at Lake Annette ! Right beside the horse trail and a coyote or wolf is chewing on it. Holy, that is pretty close to people. It looks like the predators are pretty active at the moment. Stew from the Fairmount security told me yesterday there are three grizzly bears around the golf course. And it's mating season ! This bothers me just a little bit ! So I wonder what will happen tomorrow ? On my afternoon ride were a mother and three kids. Girl was way too young to sit on a horse for 1 1/4 hour but the mother thought she will be fine ! RIGHT ! I was front guide and usually the kids are right behind the front guide (me !). So we started and right away I had to tell and show her how to shorten her reins 'cause they were way too long. She didn't get it ! Okay... let's try something else... Then her feets slided out of the stirrups and she couldn't get them in again. I had to jump off my horse and fix that. As soon as we continued the ride she was out again. 'grrrr' So I thought if she would just hang on and sit in the saddle she will survive the ride... The next thing was when we had to cross a street (!) she led go of her reins ! I yelled at her to pull back on the reins so Frosty will stop. This time I had enough and jumped off the horse to grab the lead rope of Frosty and pony her home. She was complaining her arms would hurt... I was glad when we were at the barn again and we could dismount her. So this is the pleasure of a trail guide !!! I mean the mother should have known that her daughter was too young to sit on a horse. Lynda told her that after the ride :D

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