Wednesday, June 9, 2010

baby geese and a nice view

Today was my second day off. The weather was cloudy, windy and the sun didn't make it out of the clouds. After the party last night I had to sleep in (I went to bed at 11.45 pm). Then I saw a bunch of ants in my room and decided to go to town and buy something to make them move out of my room. The toxic stuff was way too expensive and I don't want to wait I don't know how many hours til I can go back in without getting a huge head ache from the smell. So I bought the natural version : cloves. Well, now my room smells not too bad :D In the afternoon I decided to go for a walk to Old Fort Point. It is around 20 to 30 min from Jasper park Lodge away. Since the one trail is closed for hikers and bikers I had to walk on the paved road. I took some pictures on my way there. Nice view, there were a big group of Canada Geese at the golf course. Two pairs had cuties. They were busy eating gras on the golf course. One goose attacked and hissed a golf ball which rolled in it's direction. He/She tried to protect their babys. It was funny. At Old Fort Point I saw strairs going up a hill and decided to go up. It was an amazing view, unfortunatly pretty windy. It must be nice up there when it's nice weather. I was hoping to see a moose down on the shore of the river :( Oh well, another time maybe... The only special thing I saw was bear poop.. That's fine, there are more day here to come.

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