Thursday, June 10, 2010

back in the saddle...

Back to work today. The day started pretty quiet. We had a ride at 9.30 am and 10.30 am and two in the afternoon. I was on the 10.30 am and the 2 hour in the afternoon. We had 6 rider in the afternoon. Two of them were sooo annoying ! You need to tell them when they don't behave but you shouldn't pick on them either... I really wanted to kick the one girl's butt. She kept ignoring us when we told her things to do.... And then we saw Mrs. Elk, she wasn't happy at all to see all the horses and rider. She stared at us and started to feint attack me ('cause I was the last rider). She made some funny noises with her nose so I guess her kid was somewhere near this spot. Mrs Elk followed us to make sure we really keep going in the direction we chose. Holy... I never saw an elk doing this. Stew from the JPL Security told me the behavier of mom elks when they wanna scare you away. She was pretty brave ! We were 8 horses and 8 riders and she was alone. I would say elk cows are pretty good mom's :D After that we were like kindergarden teacher. Tell rider x not to trott, rider y don't let the horse eat, rider a please make your horse go forward in the walk... And the guy in front of me was a total beginner. He took the reins too short and Jack started to dancing around. Okay, please give your horse more rein... which was the right choice. Jack calmed down and we could carry on. So I had to make a mark in my mind : if Jack starts to dance the dude will have too short reins, Bob likes to kick , Timmy is too slow and also Rocket.... All this we need to keep in mind when we guide. It's a lot ! But still it is great to be out there on the trails with these people. Some are nice and some... all you wanna do is slap them !!!

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