Sunday, May 23, 2010

horse change and a good amount of patience is needed sooo badly

I was suppost to be the front guide on the 2 hours-ride with my horse Heureuse. But my girl decided not to cooparate with me and turn around.... Great idea with a string of 12 dudes on their horses with us !! So the back guide took the front position and I walked beside my horse for at least a half hour. I mounted her again at Old Fort point (?) and then she was fine. It's never good to have two horses to stick to each other like glue ! Anyway, I don't ride Heureuse anymore now. My horse is a bucksin gelding, called Mohawk. He is a big thing and has a hard time to stand when I want to mount him. Okay, this would be our project : stand still for mounting ! I had to jump off him today out on the trail to shorten a kid's stirrup. Mohawk thought I could mount when he walks away.... And it didn't help either that the rider behind me didn't listen what I told him... I told him to keep a distance between his horse and mine. He rode his horse this close so the nose of his horse was right behind Mohawk's butt. Sometimes I really ask myself how hard it can be to follow orders !!! There is a good reason for these orders, it's not just because I can give them. 'grrrr !' I need a good portion of patience !!! Otherwise I will go crazy soon. There are a lot of nice dudes only some objects are just horrible.

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